Saturday, August 22, 2009

What are we doing on a sunny August* day in Buenos Aires, Argentina?

*Remember, August below the equator is equivalent to February above the Equator.

Photos: 1. I'm practicing pronouncing Spanish correctly.
2. Walt translating --he's so good!!
3. Parts of many days and nights at the laptop pulling together all the info into a coherent (I hope) message about the long-term benefits of Family Home Evening. Yes, that's the office chair that gives pain relief for my back off and on during the night.

What we're doing on this sunny day in Buenos Aires, Argentina:
Well, when it's the day before I have to give a talk in Spanish, Walt has been translating the talk from the one I've worked on several days typing in English.
Thanks to all who sent comments for me to compile along with my other research into "Family Home Evening - and it's Long-Term Benefits."

And now I'll be practicing the correct pronounciation--also with my hubby's sweet help.
And he's been doing dishes since my back has gotten worse, along with vacuuming (didn't get a photo of that before he was finished this morning.

I'll share some hightlights of the talk later tomorrow. I'd appreciate your prayers between 11:15 a.m. and noon our time, during our Sacrament Meeting. That would be 8:15 to 9:00 Utah/Idaho time. I think I should feel more nervous than I am right now.
Now, no more stalling by taking time out to blog, and back to my practicing.
Walt just came in and said: "I think you're avoideing your talk."

Maybe I can pull a "Walt Petersen" and say I'm too sick to go to Church tomorrow.


Jogusboy said...

Man, you guys are busy!

Julie said...

I'm sure you did great! We have a rainy August day in Utah. Temple dedication was wonderful. Love you.