Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Traces of Time . . . April 22-28, 2019

Traces of Time . . .
(To see last week's log post--scroll down to the end of this week, then the Week of April 15-21, 2019 will be there. If it's not, hit "Older Posts.")
THIS WEEK- APRIL 22-28, 2019

MONDAY, APRIL 22, 2018 

Family is Everything…
 Today our new Internist at the
Mountain Point Medical Center
in Lehi checked my blood sugars
for the past two weeks, and
increased my Insulin from 20 to 25 units
for the morning and kept it the same for
the evening at 10 units.
 Today all the Easter decorations
were put away.
Jacee brought her Easter basket
up on her head.
Her outfit isn't striped....it's just
the late afternoon sun
shining through the blinds.

TUESDAY, APRIL 23, 2019 
Family is Everything…
 These daffodills are about to 
fulfill the measure of their existence.
And the Easter Bunny will be going
back in storage until next April.
Joseph Smith History

Joseph Smith was foreordained
to be the Prophet of the Restoration.
Satan opposed the Restoration.

We always learn a lot at Institute.
This might be a very important
site in Saratoga Springs, Utah.

We haven't seen these red barrior
sign posts here before.
The new Jr. High is coming right along.
 Walt going in to the club house.
We took a photo by the
wall mirror.
Walt's leg started hurting
after 15 minutes on the
bicycle...so we called 
it time to finish.
This might be a flowering pear tree.
The blossoms show up
better in this view.
We went to supper at Denny's
with Gary and Steve.
Walt got grilled cheese and a salad.
Westlake Urban Dance Class
Performance was great!
Natalie had saved us seats.
And Jacee came also to
see her cousin, Carter, perform.
Thanks, Steve and Gary.

Family is Everything...
 Happy Birthday, Gary, John, and Kimble
We went to Texas Road House...
to celebrate John's birthday.
John's 22 oz prime rib...
Julie, Jacee, Jackson, Maddie,
Rigdon all joined John
for his birthday dinner.
 Grampa got catfish,
Grama got ribs,
and they also have delicious cheesecake.
We say...
Gary, John, Kimble,
We hope you have had a
Family is Everything...
Happy Birthday, Jerry.
Jerry is our son-in-law,
married to Jen, our youngest daughter.
Jerry and Jen Petersen Brewer Family
Jerry, we hope you have had
a very...
 Today in Saratoga Springs,
Marci helped Walt start
the day...
 We went to club house
to exercise.
  Walt can only do about
10-15 minutes now.
 We saw a red robin up in
the pine tree.
We had Hawaiian Haystacks
for supper.
  FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 2019 
Family is Everything…
 Karen, the long-term hospice nurse,
came today. She checks
Walt's blood pressure and
to see how he is doing.
I forgot to take a photo until
she was driving away.
 We ran an errand and took this
photo of a nice spring afternoon
in Saratoga Springs.
Julie and John and family
went to opening day of...
Maddie said it had every emotion
in it, and was sad.
"Avengers Endgame"
broke all records for any
movie opening day,
bringing in $1 billion!

Family is Everything…
 Today Marci, the hospice CNA,
helped Walt start his day.
This afternoon Walt almost
had his first swim of the year
at the hot springs residential
pool, but when we got their,
Julie and Rigdon were already
on their way home because of
the cold wind.
She had called, but we thought
we would just watch if it was
too cold to get in.
We'll go again on a
warmer spring day.
 So Walt traded his swim suit for
his Dockers and we...
...went to the club house
and bicycled instead.
I tried a photo in the wall mirror.
 We also get exercise just
going into and coming
out of the club house.
John slow cooked some
ribs several hours.
Delicious spring
supper for a Saturday.
They did a fire pit for neighbors
tonight. It was too chilly for us
to want to go outside late
at night.
SUNDAY, APRIL 28, 2019 
Family is Everything…
Today the three speakers--
including the high councilor--
spoke about Family History.
Julie gave an excellent lesson
in Relief Society based on
Becky Craven's General Conference
talk "Careful vs Casual."
Careful = Thought and Attention,
Casual = Not regular or permanent.
What are we intentional about?
What do I want to be better at?
Today Here's more about our
Relief Society meeing on Sunday, April 28th...
It's from the Saratoga Springs 3rd Ward
Relief Society Blog:
RS Weekly Connection
A weekly communication connecting all sisters in SS3 Ward

y, April 28, 2019SS3 April 28th Weekly Connection
It's a Wrap.... 
What will you do with it now?Careful vs Casual by Becky Craven
Discussion led by Julie Peterson
When Julie first heard the title, the word "formal" immediately came to mind, replacing the word careful...it does not mean formal at all! We are not to judge people by how they show up, we are to be grateful they showed up at all.
Eileen Petersen was reminded when she was a temple matron, the temple president and she had been instructed by President Henry B. Eyring to welcome people to the temple no matter what they were wearing...and that no one should ever be offended in the temple.

We are judged by our hearts and not our clothes.
Julie defined careful and casual
  • Careful - showing thought and attention - intentional
  • Casual - not regular or permenant

She asked the sister what things in their lives did they do with intention:

  1. Julie - Makes her bed every morning and carries out her callings intentionally
  2. Celeste - Intentionally drives her kids to school every morning
  3. Kaye - Practies the organ at 5 AM every morning
  4. Monica - Remembers birthdays and holidays
  5. Gentry - Always attends church
Julie talked about intentionally holding to the iron rod to reach the Tree of Life

What can we do to worship mor intentionally?

Julie said she judges herself as she thinks others will judge her. We should work on just one thing to be more intentional in our Sabbath Day worship:

Preparation to Partake of the Sacrament
  • Bonnie - She often looses focus, so she scrolls through pictures of Christ to help stay focused.
  • Sherry suggested we listen to the prelude
  • Visitor - She stopped attending church regularly when she moved away from home and found she wasn't as happy as she was before...she and her friends help support each other to attend meetings.
  • Kathy - Listens to uplifting music.
Be more intentional in our prayers, scripture study and Come Follow Me
  • Monica - Their family, after reading Come Follow Me, writes a page on it and then discusses it altogether. Keeps the Sabbathy as a family day, children don't play with friends.
  • Chelsea - Has started the habit of readidng her scriptures during breakfast, and takes notes on what she has read.
  • Sherry's Daughter - Has started praying outloud, so she doesn't feel she is talking to herself.
  • Julie - It's sometimes hard, but we need to be honest in our prayers
  • Myra - Puts temple night on the calendar so it is scheduled.
  • Tris - Makes temple attendance a priority over other "good" things
  • Len - When she attends the temple, she is always reminded who she is and the direction she is going.
If we aren't sure what we should work on to be more intentional about, we should ask our Heavenly Father.

Katelyn - Intention builds self-love, we should "Decide not to Slide" but live with intention.

True happiness depends on intentionally living the gospel of Jesus Christ.

A delicious Tri-Tip Roast Beef
Sunday Dinner...
This evening Steve drove us to
his home for a dessert of
brownies and ice cream...
Thanks, Steve, Natalie, and Carter.
We always love being with you.
Steve had us dictate a letter to
Kimble that he typed to
mail to Kimble tonight.
*** *** ***
We are so thankful for The Plan of Salvation
and the Atonement of  Jesus Christ
that makes this Great Plan operational.

At the end of this April 28th,
we pray you have had a
restful , peaceful, and spiritual
Sabbath Day...

We share these truths as our testimony to you...

Heavenly Father lives and knows us each by name. He loves us and wants us to return to Him and Heavenly Mother when we leave this mortal existence.  He loves us just as we are at this very moment.
*** *** ***
Jesus Christ came to earth as The Only Begotten of the Father and fulfilled the Atonement. He is the Redeemer of all. 
*** *** ***
Joseph Smith was foreordained to be the Prophet of the Restoration.  He is the Restorer of all things.
*** *** ***
President Russell M. Nelson is the Living Prophet today for all the world.  He was foreordained in the Grand Council in Heaven to be a Prophet on earth. The Lord has been preparing him for many years for this calling.
*** *** ***
The Bible is a Testament of the Divinity of Jesus Christ.
*** *** ***
The Book of Mormon is the Word of God and is Another Testament of Jesus Christ.
*** *** ***
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the True Church on the earth today.  It was restored by the Prophet Joseph Smith from revelation and instruction from Jesus Christ, Who was introduced by His Father.
*** *** ***
Of these truths we testify in the Name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Walt and Eileen Petersen
Saratoga Springs, Utah, U.S.A.
April 28, 2019
Thank you to the ward member who helped
open and hold the doors for us, and who
took these photos of us today.

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