(To see last week's log post--scroll down to the end of this week, then the Week of April 8-14, 2019 will be there. If it's not, hit "Older Posts.")
THIS WEEK- APRIL 15-21, 2019
MONDAY, APRIL 15, 2018
Family is Everything…
Continuing the last week of
the Savior's mortal life on earth...
"Holy Week"
After entering Jerusalem on Sunday symbolizing
"A King," on Monday Christ
cleansed the temple.
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
We woke up to a rainy day...
April Showers" is a popular song with
music written
by Louis Silvers and lyrics by B. G. De Sylva.
First published in 1921, it is one of many
popular songs
whose lyrics use a "Bluebird of
as a symbol of cheer.
as a symbol of cheer.
("So keep on looking for a bluebird,
and waiting for his song.")
and waiting for his song.")
The song was introduced in the 1921
Broadway musical Bombo,
Broadway musical Bombo,
where it
was performed by Al Jolson.(1886-1950)
It became a well-known
Jolson trademark: the first of his several
recordings of the song
recordings of the song
was on Columbia Records in October 1921.
It has also been recorded by many
other artists. Animation - Betty Boop,
It has also been recorded by many
other artists. Animation - Betty Boop,
Parade of the Wooden Soliders.
Animation by Max Fleischer.
Animation by Max Fleischer.
First broadcast on the
1st of December 1933.
1st of December 1933.
♫ Life is not a highway strewn with flowers
Still it holds a goodly share of bliss
When the sun gives way to April showers
Here is the point you should never miss
♪Though April showers may come your way
They bring the flowers that bloom in May
So if it's raining have no regrets
Because it isn't raining rain you know
♫ it's
♪ raining
♪♪ violets…
♫ And where you see clouds upon the hills
You soon will see crowds of daffodils
So keep on looking for a blue bird
And list'ning for his song
Whenever April showers come along
♫ And where you see clouds upon the hills
You soon will see crowds of daffodils
So keep on looking for a blue bird
And list'ning for his song
Whenever April showers come along ♪♪♪
Note.This animation is within the Public Domain
Riggy had a treat.
Walt had popcorn while we watched
some of
"Meet Me in St. Louis"
Marci helped Walt start the day.
Abraham 4-5
and Facsimile 2
If you click on the picture,
it will enlarge to be able
to read the print better.
Betsy Jones was our teacher.
The power point slides help
illustrate the many truths taught.
I didn't realize that the
star constellations are
symbolic of the Savior.
Abraham 4-5
and Facsimile 2
If you click on the picture,
it will enlarge to be able
to read the print better.
Betsy Jones was our teacher.
The power point slides help
illustrate the many truths taught.
I didn't realize that the
star constellations are
symbolic of the Savior.
Family is Everything...
Holy Week - Day 4
Wednesday He taught in Jerusalem some more.
Happy 85th Birthday, Walt
Today Dr. Hoffman gave Walt
the third and final gel injection
in his left knee.
Time will tell if this series
of gel injections help his
knees hold him up better,
and help the occasional
pain from his bone on bone
in both knees.
Dr. Michael Hoffman is an
extraordinary physician
and person.
We count him among our
new friends here in Utah County.
We then took Julie, Rigdon,
and Rigdon's friend, Benson,
to lunch at Denny's.
Walt chose Haddock.
He said it was delicious and
much tastier than most fish.
Karen, the nurse, came in
the afternoon and checked
Walt's blood pressure.
Walt chose to have red
"85" balloons.
He's wondering what is in
that big package from his kids.
Everyone sang...
"Happy Birthday to you...
"Happy Birthday to you...
Jacee--who just got her driver's
license--posed by her Grampa.
Walt is always happy
when he's with his kids
and grandkids.
Ah...time to open the present.
...a mini-fridge for Grampa
to keep cold juice and water
and other treats in our
little cozy cottage.
How kind and thoughtful.
Thanks, kids!
Family who could be with
Walt to celebrate his
85th birthday:
Front: Rigdon, Maddie, Will, Sam.
Back: David, Jackson, Jaee,
Walt, Eileen, Gary, Carter,
Natalie, and Julie B.
Julie B. took this photo,
so Julie Beth could be in it.
I gave him the new bio
of President Russell M. Nelson:
Insights --
both the book and the CD's.
But my real gift
is that I am going to type
his missionary journal...
It has 192 pages of his
2 1/2 years in the
Uruguay-Paraguay Mission
as a young man, ages 20
to 22 1/2--Aug 1954 to
March 1957.
The age for missionaries
changed from 20 to 19
in the early 1960s.
2 1/2 years in the
Uruguay-Paraguay Mission
as a young man, ages 20
to 22 1/2--Aug 1954 to
March 1957.
The age for missionaries
changed from 20 to 19
in the early 1960s.
Gary helped him set up his
new mini-fridge.
Family is Everything
Holy Week - Day 5
Thursday was start of Passover when
He had the Last Supper with
His Apostles and His
Atonement began in
We showed Marci Walt's
birthday balloons.
Dorothea Thayne came by with
their Scout flag donation,
plus a bag of canned goods
for that drive.
plus a bag of canned goods
for that drive.
The "Happy
Birthday" decorations
were taken down.
were taken down.
Dr. Goodsell froze a pre-cancer
spot off my nose today.
spot off my nose today.
Walt shops in these
riding carts now.
riding carts now.
The "85" balloons are in our
cozy cottage till they no
longer float in the air.
cozy cottage till they no
longer float in the air.
"ABC" book we found
at Costco today.
The full moon is just showing...
full moons?
Family is Everything…
Holy Week - Day 6
Now called "Good Friday"
Friday was the day Jesus was cruxified,
and His Atonement was completed.
He was buried in the tomb of Aramathesis.
Family is Everything…
Happy Holy Week - Day 7
Saturday was the middle of His
3 days in the Spirit World preaching
*** *** ***
SUNDAY, APRIL 21, 2019
Family is Everything…
Holy Week - Day 8
Sunday was the
Glorious Day of the
Resurrection of Jesus Christ!
Christ appeared to Mary
Christ appeared to Mary
When I was thinking about
Christ during the sacrament today,
I wondered just how resurrection
happens. I thought of His Spirit
having been in Heaven during
those three days His Body was
in the tomb. The scriptures
tell us how He was preaching
in the Spirit World, how He
organized spirits to teach
the Gospel to those who
had not been able to
hear it during their
time in their mortal
body on earth.
Then I wondered how His Spirit
re-entered His Body to bring
it back to life.
I had never pondered on
that before.
Following sacrament,
we had a beautiful and inspiring
Easter program.
Troy Williams and Rachel Waltonsang "I Stand All Amazed,"
followed by the ward choir,
led by Emily Slade, singing
"He is Jesus Christ."
Emily's husband, Brent,
sang the solo part.
Walt and I had not heard this
song before.
Emily had the words printed and
put into our programs:

Then the speaker, Ryan Williamson,
spoke about the Life of the Savior.
Bishop Ted Mardesich closed
the meeting with his testimony
of the Savior.
*** *** *** *** *** ***
Vivian Oramos also taught about
the Atonement in our
Gospel Doctrine Class.
Here is the wonderful family
with whom we live...
John and Julie
Jacee, Jackson, Maddie, and Rigdon.
John, Jackson, and Rigdon.
After a sunshiny morning and
early afternoon, we had
a short rain, then sun again.
We had a delicious ham dinner.
Maddie and Riggy...
Walt and I saw a robin out
on the front lawn.
This evening was
Sundae Sunday at
John and Julie's.
Steve, Natalie, Carter, and Gary
came. David and Julie and
family not able to come.
We gathered in the kitchen
at first, but while waiting
for the brownies to
finish baking...
...The kids chose their favorite
colored eggs to save, then
...we went into the living room
to have a tournament of the
cracked eggs.
When two boiled eggs
are rolled to hit each other,
only one will crack.
So John made a bracket
chart, and ten competed
to see whose egg would
end up uncracked...
Jackson was the winner
of all!
Then it was back to the
kitchen for treats.
I chose the strawberry dessert,
and Walt chose the brownies
and ice cream.
Gary may have been given
a short inquisition about
his dating status...
Thanks, Julie and John,
for another fun family gathering.
Carter and Rigdon may sneaked
the green rooster out to Gumby's
and the Atonement of Jesus Christ
that makes this Great Plan operational.
At the end of this April 21st,
we pray you have had a
restful , peaceful, and spiritual
Easter Sabbath Day...
We share these truths as our testimony to you...
Heavenly Father lives and knows us each by name. He loves us and wants us to return to Him and Heavenly Mother when we leave this mortal existence. He loves us just as we are at this very moment.
*** *** ***
Jesus Christ came to earth as The Only Begotten of the Father. Because of His Atonement we have the hope of being forgiven when we repent and being resurrected. He is the Redeemer of all.
*** *** ***
Joseph Smith was foreordained to be the Prophet of the Restoration. He is the Restorer of all things.
*** *** ***
President Russell M. Nelson is the Living Prophet today for all the world.
*** *** ***
The Bible is a Testament of the Divinity of Jesus Christ.
*** *** ***
The Book of Mormon is the Word of God and is Another Testament of Jesus Christ. It is the most correct book of any book on earth.
*** *** ***
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the True Church on the earth today.
*** *** ***
Of these truths we testify in the Name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Walt and Eileen Petersen
Saratoga Springs, Utah, U.S.A.
April 21, 2019
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