Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Traces of Time . . . October 29-November 4, 2018

Traces of Time . . .

(To see last week's blog post--scroll down to the end of this week, then the Week of Oct. 22-Oct 28, 2018 will be there. If it's not, hit "Older posts.")

                   November 4, 2018

Day 22 since fell and broke left hip. 
Day 19  Rehab 


Day 23 since fell and broke left hip. 
Day 20  Rehab 


Day 24 since fell and broke left hip. 
Day 21  Rehab - Discharged from rehab 
Day 1 home from rehab

  Walt Steve said he wanted Dad and him to be the first to greet everyone on Halloween morning.
Thanks, Steve, for staying overnight with Dad.
Walt was discharged from the Pointe Meadows Health and Rehabilitation Center today.
 Gary helped us load everything
onto the cart to take out...
 Walt waiting for the discharge papers...
 Walt's home...
 Riggy is happy to
have Grampa home.
  Walt and I are 
glad to be home.
  Gary, thank for helping
Dad come home.
  Scones raising...
 More scones raising...
 It is Halloween...
  Getting photos of the costumes...
 Almost time for 
"Trick or Treaters."
 Siblings and Friends ready
for Halloween
Father and son up on their toes
...who is the tallest?
 Julie has the scones ready
to start deep frying...
 A darling neighbor clown...
  John kept the hot scones 
They served 288 scones
between 6:00 and 8:00
on this Halloween Night.
                      And that's nothing to say


                W E L C O M E    N O V E M B E R

Day 25 since Walt fell and broke left hip. 
Day 2 home from rehab
Sibling Book Club - Book for November 
Educated: A Memoir  by Tara Westover
Chosen by Mom (as recommended to her by a close friend.)

  • I am far from the first critic to recommend Tara Westover’s astounding memoir, “Educated,” but if its comet tail of glowing reviews has not yet convinced you, let me see what I can do. Westover was born sometime in September, 1986—no birth certificate was issued—on a remote mountain in Idaho, the seventh child of Mormon survivalist parents who subscribed to a paranoid patchwork of beliefs well outside the mandates of their religion. The government was always about to invade; the End of Days was always at hand. Westover’s mother worked as a midwife and an herbal healer. Her father, who claimed prophetic powers, owned a scrap yard, where his children labored without the benefit of protective equipment. (Westover recounts accidents so hideous, and so frequent, that it’s a wonder she lived to tell her tale at all.) Mainstream medicine was mistrusted, as were schools, which meant that Westover’s determination to leave home and get a formal education—the choice that drives her book, and changed her life—amounted to a rebellion against her parents’ world.
    This story, remarkable as it is, might be merely another entry in the subgenre of extreme American life, were it not for the uncommon perceptiveness of the person telling it. Westover examines her childhood with unsparing clarity, and, more startlingly, with curiosity and love, even for those who have seriously failed or wronged her. In part, this is a book about being a stranger in a strange land; Westover, adrift at university, can’t help but miss her mountain home. But her deeper subject is memory. Westover is careful to note the discrepancies between her own recollections and those of her relatives. (The ones who still speak to her, anyway. Her parents cut her off long ago.) “Part of me will always believe that my father’s words ought to be my own,” she writes. If her book is an act of defiance, a way to set the record of her own life straight, it’s also an attempt to understand, even to respect, those whom she had to break away from in order to get free.
Day 26 since fell and broke left hip. 
Day 3 home from rehab 

  Riggy brought a photo to show Grampa.
It was his photo from IttyBitty Football Camp.
Rigdon let Grampa try out the Thankgiving hat.
We always love being with Ross and Karen.
The Taylors have been our close friends for many years, since they moved to Burley, Idaho in 1968--two years after we had moved there. They built their home just three homes south of us on Burton Avenue.
Steve called for us to go on double date with them to dinner...
...to Mexiquense in Saratoga Springs, then
...then to Cold Stone for
...ice cream and a carmel apple.
Day 27 since fell and broke left hip. 
Day 4 home from rehab
  Riggy hung out with Grampa for a while.
  Then Gary, Steve and Natalie
gathered for the BYU game...

 ...and Kimble...
 Kimble and Rigdon are great cousin friends!
 We are great Cougar fans!
 David watched the first half with
Sam and William,
then joined us in Saratoga Springs.
 Such a sad ending...
Cougars lose 14-9.
Thanks, David for staying all night to help your Dad.
Day 28 since fell and broke left hip. 
Day 5 home from rehab
  We went to just Sacrament Meeting this morning.  There were only 7 testimonies shared this.  Sometimes there are up to 16.
(Actually I have this count Jan thru November.)
  Jan - 16
  Feb - 11
  Mar -  ? I was in hospital
  Apr - 11 
  May -  8
  Jun - 12
  Jul -  14
  Aug -  8
  Sep - 16
  Oct -   8
  Nov -  7
  Dec - 

Nelson Spencer shared in his testimony that years ago he had figured up with the ratio of 1000 years on earth is as a day with the Lord, that an average life of 75 years would be 45 minutes gone from Him then we would find out if we passed the exam.

John cooked his traditional delicious roast beef Sunday dinner.

Then we listened to an hour of our Sibling Book Club book for November: Educated: a Memoir by Tara Westover.  It is fascinating.

As sundown came an hour earlier tonight going off Daylight Savings Time,
we hope you have had a restful and peaceful
Sabbath Day.

We share these 7 truths:
Heavenly Father loves each one of us and knows us by name.  He and Heavenly Mother want us each to return to them.  

Jesus Christ is the only Begotten Son of God and also loves us so much that He gave His Life for us in fulfilling the Atonement and becoming our Redeemer and Savior.

Joseph Smith is the Prophet of the Restoration of All Things.  

President Russell M. Nelson is the Living Prophet today of the entire world.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the true Church on the earth today.

The Bible is a Testament of the Diety of Jesus Christ.

The Book of Mormon is Another Testament of Jesus Christ.

Of these truths we testify in the Name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Walter and Eileen Petersen
November 4, 2018


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