Traces of Time . . .
February 5, 2018
FEBRUARY 11, 2018
HOPE YOU have a great february.
MONDAY, February 5, 2018
Getting ready for Family Home Evening together with Walt.
We studied the Sunday School Lesson #7
tuesDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2018
wednesDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2018
thursDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2018
Today we walked at CSI from 11:00 to 11:45. There were over 30 today. Our instructor, Ro Gillette is very excellent, upbeat, and fun to be with.
Following this class, we go across the street from the CSI Center and attend an Adult Religion Class, like "Institute" but not officially a paid class. Today we Lesson #8 "Gender and Eternal Identity." Sister Blauer did an excellen job with a difficult subject.
Our references were Mattherw 7:12; John 8:1-11; 15:12; Doctrine and Covenants 76:24; Moses 2:27; and the second paragraph* of "The Family: A Proclamation to the World," Ensign Nov 2010,
--The Family: A Proclamation to the
World, March 1995
The First Presidency and Council of the
Twelve Apostles, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
Paragraph 2:
“All human beings—male and female—are
created in the image of God.
Each is a beloved spirt son or daughter
of heavenly parents,
and, as such, each has a divine nature
and destiny.
Gender is an essential characteristic of
premortal, mortal, and eternal identity
and purpose.”
Other references are: Jeffrey R. Holland "Helping Those Who Struggle with Same-Gender Attraction," Ensign, Oct. 2007, 42-45.
Dallin H. Oaks "Same-Gender Attration" Ensign, Oct. 1995, pp. 7-14.
Gospel Topics: Same Sex Attraction,
Sending out this invitation to our Serendipity Book Club
for next Thursday, February 15th
Thursday, February
15, 2018 – 7:00 p.m.
at the home of Gladys Harrison
2018 Oakley Avenue
Book Review:
Bonnie Hansen
“The Orphan Keeper”
Whet Your Appetite: June Tilley
Refreshments: Delores Green
Please come.
It’s always nice
to bring a friend.
friDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 2018
This morning we worked on Family History with Kathleen Hedberg, our Ward Family History Consultant. On Walt's Swedish Grandmother Nellie Katie Olson Petersen's line, they found a sad story. A 48-year old mother died in child birth having triplets. Two of the triplets were also buried when the mother was, but they didn't find if the third baby passed away.
I worked on my Grandmother Ella Morris Huffaker's line, finding photos of her with her Dad, Mom and siblings at age under 1 in 1891, and also a photo with them in 1897 when she was age 6.
Actually, when I went in to, the passenger list for her mother, Elizabeth Ann Mitchell, as a passenger on the ship coming from England to New York popped up. She was age 7 when they came to the United States--so that would have been
saturDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2018
SunDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2018
FEBRUARY 11, 2018
HOPE YOU have a great february.
MONDAY, February 5, 2018
Getting ready for Family Home Evening together with Walt.
We studied the Sunday School Lesson #7
We studied the Sunday School Lesson #7
tuesDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2018
wednesDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2018
thursDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2018
Today we walked at CSI from 11:00 to 11:45. There were over 30 today. Our instructor, Ro Gillette is very excellent, upbeat, and fun to be with.
Following this class, we go across the street from the CSI Center and attend an Adult Religion Class, like "Institute" but not officially a paid class. Today we Lesson #8 "Gender and Eternal Identity." Sister Blauer did an excellen job with a difficult subject.
Our references were Mattherw 7:12; John 8:1-11; 15:12; Doctrine and Covenants 76:24; Moses 2:27; and the second paragraph* of "The Family: A Proclamation to the World," Ensign Nov 2010,
--The Family: A Proclamation to the
World, March 1995
The First Presidency and Council of the
Twelve Apostles, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
Paragraph 2:
“All human beings—male and female—are
created in the image of God.
Each is a beloved spirt son or daughter
of heavenly parents,
and, as such, each has a divine nature
and destiny.
Gender is an essential characteristic of
premortal, mortal, and eternal identity
and purpose.”
Other references are: Jeffrey R. Holland "Helping Those Who Struggle with Same-Gender Attraction," Ensign, Oct. 2007, 42-45.
Dallin H. Oaks "Same-Gender Attration" Ensign, Oct. 1995, pp. 7-14.
Dallin H. Oaks "Same-Gender Attration" Ensign, Oct. 1995, pp. 7-14.
Gospel Topics: Same Sex Attraction,
Sending out this invitation to our Serendipity Book Club
for next Thursday, February 15th
Thursday, February
15, 2018 – 7:00 p.m.
at the home of Gladys Harrison
2018 Oakley Avenue
Book Review:
Bonnie Hansen
“The Orphan Keeper”
Whet Your Appetite: June Tilley
Refreshments: Delores Green
Please come.
It’s always nice
to bring a friend.
friDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 2018
This morning we worked on Family History with Kathleen Hedberg, our Ward Family History Consultant. On Walt's Swedish Grandmother Nellie Katie Olson Petersen's line, they found a sad story. A 48-year old mother died in child birth having triplets. Two of the triplets were also buried when the mother was, but they didn't find if the third baby passed away.
I worked on my Grandmother Ella Morris Huffaker's line, finding photos of her with her Dad, Mom and siblings at age under 1 in 1891, and also a photo with them in 1897 when she was age 6.
Actually, when I went in to, the passenger list for her mother, Elizabeth Ann Mitchell, as a passenger on the ship coming from England to New York popped up. She was age 7 when they came to the United States--so that would have been
saturDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2018
I worked on my Grandmother Ella Morris Huffaker's line, finding photos of her with her Dad, Mom and siblings at age under 1 in 1891, and also a photo with them in 1897 when she was age 6.
Actually, when I went in to, the passenger list for her mother, Elizabeth Ann Mitchell, as a passenger on the ship coming from England to New York popped up. She was age 7 when they came to the United States--so that would have been
saturDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2018
SunDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2018
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