Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Traces of Time . . . December 2-8, 2024

 TRACES OF TIME . . .                           {Last week: Scroll to end and click "Older Posts" at bottom right.} 

Joseph Smith Quotes... about time:“The great Jehovah contemplated the whole of the events connected with the earth, pertaining to the plan of salvation, before it rolled into existence, or ever 'the morning stars sang together' for joy; the past, the present, and the future were and are, with Him, one eternal 'now."

 "Time moves slowly, but passes quickly.                               The Color Purple” by Alice Walker, 1982

"The magical, supernatural force 
that is with us every second is time.
We can't even comprehend it.

 It's such an illusion, 

it's such a strange thing."

— Anthony Hopkins 

 Note from Eileen: You will notice I call                              

my blog: "Traces of Time..."

On this blog I share with family and friends my daily thoughts, doings, what interests me, and--at times--tributes to my eternal sweetheart, Walt, who graduated to heaven on 8-21-2020.

Dedicated to our seven children--Janie, Gary, Steve, David, Julie, Brian, Jen...

 ...their spouses-- Shawn, Julie, John, Jennifer, Jerry--our 39 grandchildren--9 spouses of G-C, and 8 great-grandchildren, including Ingrid Ray born December 4, 2024--for a posterity of 71.

Week of

DECember 2-December 8, 2024...


Family is Everything….          Sunrise: 7:33 a.m. 
    Sunset:  5:02 p.m.
*** *** ***
JoAnn Gifford brought me
a loaf of her homemade...
...bread to put with Julie's
homemade frozen strawberry
jam for my White Elephant
gift to take to party tonight.
Empty Nesters Dinner --
my first Christmas Party
of the season...
Empty Nesters Dinner...
Linda, Carol
Empty Nesters Dinner
Sharon had a torch...
...to melt the cheese for
her cheese and crackers...
Empty Nesters Dinner
Empty Nesters Dinner
Empty Nesters Dinner

Empty Nesters Dinner
Empty Nesters Dinner
Empty Nesters Dinner
Empty Nesters Dinner

Empty Nesters  Christmas Dinner
and Party...
Monday, Decembr 2, 2024
26 were able to come...
Eileen gave a 3-minute
closing Christmas message...
Paul & Kathy Skousen...
...Merry Christmas everyone.
*** *** ***


Family is Everything
No Institute till
January 7, 2025
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
I like to read  
"The Standard of Truth"
from time to time.
I had forgotten it was from
"The Wentworth Letter"
of 1842...

“The Standard of Truth has been erected; no unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing; persecutions may rage, mobs may combine, armies may assemble, calumny may defame, but the truth of God will go forth boldly, nobly, and independent, till it has penetrated every continent, visited every clime, swept every country, and sounded in every ear, till the purposes of God shall be accomplished, and the Great Jehovah shall say the work is done.”

― Joseph Smith Jr.

The Wentworth Letter

By Joseph Smith Jr. (1805–44)

Spelling, punctuation, and capitalization modernized.

Of this classic, Elder B. H. Roberts (1857–1933) of the First Council of the Seventy wrote: “The letter is one of the choicest documents in our church literature; as also it is the earliest published document by the Prophet personally, making any pretension to consecutive narrative of those events in which the great Latter-day work had its origin. … For combining conciseness of statement with comprehensiveness of treatment of the subject with which it deals, it has few equals among historical documents, and certainly none that excel it in our church literature.”

March 1, 1842.—At the request of Mr. John Wentworth, editor and proprietor of the Chicago Democrat, I have written the following sketch of the rise, progress, persecution, and faith of the Latter-day Saints, of which I have the honor, under God, of being the founder. Mr. Wentworth says that he wishes to furnish Mr. Bastow [Barstow], a friend of his, who is writing the history of New Hampshire, with this document. As Mr. Bastow has taken the proper steps to obtain correct information, all that I shall ask at his hands is that he publish the account entire, ungarnished, and without misrepresentation.

“To read the full text of the Wentworth letter, which I highly encourage you to do, you can access it here > Wentworth Letter

God be thanked for calling the prophet Joseph Smith, and God bless Joseph Smith for sacrificing his whole life to bring about the restoration of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We are so grateful for him and his words of inspiration and light.”

 *** *** *** *** *** *** ***

Family is Everything…
...GG for Great-Grama
December 4...
Welcome to the family...
 Ingrid Ray Fisher - Born 11:26 p.m.
                            December 4, 2025
Ingrid Ray...
the 8th "Ray" namesake
in our family...
Maeve sees her new sister
"Baby Iggy" for the first time...
Daddy Daniel tenderly 
embraces his new baby daughter...
Kelly knowa now how a 
mother's heart expands to
love a second baby as much
as her first baby...
*** *** *** *** *** *** ***
December Birthdays
04 - Heidi - "28"
07 - Anna - "24"
12 - Steve - "58"                  
14 - Cortney - "31"
15 - Eileen - "86"
22 - Jacee "Golden Birthday" 22 on 22...
30 - Josh- "27"
10 - Grama Rie Maria(h) Smith Prescott  1882-1970 "87" 
       Bide & Rie Wedding - June 10, 1903
He had just turned 29, she was 20.
12 - Grampa A - Arnold G. Albertson 1912-1982 "69"
20 - Grampa Ray - Raymond O. Petersen 1907-1970 "62"
*** *** ***
 First December Birthday...
Happy Birthday to our
darling Heidi...
With Grampa on his 80th b-day
Happy New Year 2015...
Ballroom dancing with...
...brother Daniel.
Wedding July 17, 2020
Heidi & Pono 
Welcome baby Umi --
Welcome baby  Ohi'a --
Heidi, hope you've had a
wonderful birthday
in Vancouver, Washington.
*** *** ***
Lunch Bunch was at Village Baker
in Saratoga Springs...
Lunch Bunch...
Linda, Carol, Annette
Lunch Bunch...
Kaye, Sue
Lunch Bunch...
Kathie, Shauna
unch Bunch...
Jennie, Shirlene
16 were able to come...
Clockwise from bottom left:
Linda, Carol, Annette,
Kaye, Sue, Kathie,
Shauna, Diane, Laura, 
Jennie, Shirlene, Eileen,
Sharon, SuzAnne, 
MaryAnn, Faye
Lunch Bunch
Lunch Bunch
Lunch Bunch

Lunch Bunch...
Sharon gave each one a bag of delicious hot chocolate mix and a fun knome ornament. 
Sue gave each gal a handy jar opener and magnet holder, with a Fernwood chocolate.
Eileen gave each gal a BBB Bottle of Holiday soft soap and her Christmas letter.

Lunch Bunch...
Only got 5 in the photo
out in the sunshine
Lunch Bunch...
...is a nice place to join with
friends each Wednesday.
Lunch Bunch--linger longer...
 Kaye welcomed us to her
beautiful home home on
Waterside Drive to see
her Christmas trees and
other festive decorations...                                      
Kaye's home...
         ...holding Rizzler.
Kaye's home...
She said this is her 
favorite tree this year.
Kaye's home...
When they built their home
and moved here in 2018 
from having raised their 
family in sunny
...she wanted to remember
the beautiful ocean...
...and beaches they
left behind.
...and they were close 
to Disneyland.
Doug gave her this
painting of Disneyland
for their 25th 
wedding anniversary.
In addition to the Savior,
her husband Doug, 
her family and friends,
Kaye also loves Santa Claus...
   ... she's deciding where to
hang this new painting.

Kaye's home...
...her living room tree.
Kaye's home...
I wish I had taken a
photo of her wonderful 
wall in this room that
she has arranged 
gorgeous photos...
 ...of their 14 precious 
4 granddaughters, 
10 grandsons.
Kaye's home...
She said she does a
different color scheme
for Christmas each year...
Kaye's home...
This year is red...
last year was gold.
Kaye's home...
Kathie and Shirlene
Kaye's home...
Kathie and Annette
Kaye's home...
Family room
Kaye's home...
This case has a delightful
collection of dolls...
Kaye's home...
Shirlene, MaryAnn, Kaye,
Carol, SuzAnne, Kathie,
Annette--and Eileen taking
the photo.
Diane was there but had left.
She had brought Kaye some
ice cream for her birthday--
that was Dec. 3rd.
Kaye's home...
Kaye's home... 
Photographs she has taken
when Doug was doing 
archeology excavations
 in Egypt...
Kaye's home...
Festive boughs...
Kaye's home... 
Her dining room table
Kaye's home...
She told us she loves cardinals.
Kaye's home...
     Her kitchen
Kaye's home...
Telling the gals about
a special set...
Kaye's home...
Kaye's home...
Kaye's home...
...one more remembrance
of the beach and seashells.
Kaye said she couldn't
believe instead of
the front door...
...she let us go through
her garage out the back
door.  It was because 
Eileen could go down
the back steps easier with
her walker.
Thank you, Kaye, for this
awesome tour. 
We all loved seeing
your wonderful creations,
as well as your beautiful home.
You bring joy to many lives. 
*** *** ***
Thank you to Kathie, my
wonderful ministering
sister, for driving me to
this and several other
places. I didn't get a
seperate photo of her,
but here's her BYU blue
car pulling away from my
cozy cottage.
*** *** *** *** *** *** ***

A Personal Interview with the Savior
President David O. McKay


A person in a suit

Description automatically generated with medium confidenceIn 1965, President David O. McKay made the following statement to a group of Church employees: Let me assure you, Brethren, that some day you will have a personal priesthood interview with the Savior himself. If you are interested, I will tell you the order in which he will ask you to account for your earthly responsibilities.

First, he will request an accountability report about your relationship with your wife. Have you actively been engaged in making her happy and ensuring that her needs have been met as an individual?

Second, he will want an accountability report about each of your children individually. He will not attempt to have this for simply a family stewardship but will request information about your relationship to each and every child.

Third, he will want to know what you personally have done with the talents you were given in the preexistence.

Fourth, he will want a summary of your activity in your Church assignments. He will not be necessarily interested in what assignments you have had, for in his eyes the home teacher and a mission president are probably equals, but he will request a summary of how you have been of service to your fellow man in your Church assignments.

Fifth, he will have no interest in how you earned your living but if you were honest in all your dealings.

Sixth, he will ask for an accountability on what you have done to contribute in a positive manner to your community, state, country, and the world.

(Reported by Cloyd Hofheins in a talk to the Seventies Quorum of Provo Utah Oak Hills Stake, May 16, 1982)

Jacob 1-3


Book of Mormon

 *** *** ***

Jeanie, my other wonderful ministering sister wasn't able to come today because she is still down from falling and breaking her femur on Nov. 13.

And Nadine was in Phoenix going up in a hot air balloon with Dean and Andrew.

...in Arizona on a road trip.
Tammy couldn't make it because she's having some R&R in Kauai....
*** *** *** *** ***

*** *** *** *** *** *** ***
Wednesday December 4, 2024

will be The Classics...  {13}

Reginald Owen as Scrooge

A Christmas Carol is a 1938 American drama film adaptation of Charles Dickens's 1843 novella of the same name, starring Reginald Owen as Ebenezer Scrooge, an elderly miser who learns the error of his ways on Christmas Eve after visitations by three spirits. 

Gary and I both liked this

1938 version of

"A Chistmas Carol"

made the year I was born.

Wednesday December 11, 2024

will be The Classics...  {14}


Geroge C. Scott as Scrooge

Wednesday December 18, 2024

will be The Classics...  {15}


Sir Patrick Stewart as Scrooge

Wednesday December 25, 2024

will be


Merry Christmas in Rexburg

Wednesday JANUARY 1, 2025

will be 

Happy New Year

Wednesday JANUARY 8, 2025

movie night will resume....

with "Little Women"

 2019 film Little Women, featuring Saoirse Ronan.

*** *** ***


                       Family is Everything…
                                                             I just found out last week

that Sharon Prescott died.

When we stopped to see our

Prescott cousins in Kaysville 

on the way to Rexburg for

Thanksgiving, Linda told

us Sharon had a stroke 

and died. She couldn't

remember when.

I found Sharon's death 

notice and obituary...

Sharon Prescott

May 1, 1943 - May 4, 2023
Caldwell, Idaho - Sharon Louise Prescott, age 80, passed away on May 4, 2023, in Nampa, Idaho. Sharon was born on May 1, 1943, in Nampa, Idaho, to Hazel May Morrison and Bernard D. Morrison.
Sharon is survived by her husband, Billy H. Prescott, daughter Tamara Jo Pugsley (Aaron), son Thomas Lee Prescott (Amber), and three grandchildren, Taylor Pugsley, Ryan Prescott, and Sarah Prescott. She was preceded in death by her mother Hazel May Morrison, father Bernard D. Morrison, and brother Larry Lee Morrison.
A memorial service will be held on Friday, May 12th at 2:00pm in the Chapel at Cloverdale Cemetery (1200 N. Cloverdale Rd., Boise, Idaho 83713). Full obituary information: 

Published by Idaho Statesman on May 11, 2023.

 Sharon Louise Prescott

May 1, 1943 ~ May 4, 2023 (age 80)


Sharon Louise Prescott, age 80, passed away on May 4, 2023, in Nampa, Idaho. Sharon was born on May 1, 1943, in Nampa, Idaho, to Hazel May Morrison and Bernard D. Morrison. She attended Cole School, Borah High School, and was granted The Degree of P.H.T. (Putting Husband Through) from the Associated Students of the University of Idaho.

The two greatest things in her life were faith in God and love of family. Mom celebrated 58 years of loving dedication to Dad in November of 2022 and spent 55 years as a homemaker, taking care of her family. 

Prior to starting a family, she worked as an IBM equipment operator and as a wedding consultant at the Bon Marche. Sharon was an active member of her community. She served in various capacities, including member of the PTA, teacher and supervisor for the C.M.C. Church School, 4-H leader, member of Utah’s 4-H advisory committee, board of directors for the Utah Quarter Horse Association, board of directors for the Intermountain Reining Association, and author of feature articles for the Intermountain Quarter Magazine, The Horse Times, and The Universal Horse Journal. 

Most recently, she served as the President of the Moonstruck Homeowners Association. Sharon was passionate about horse competitions since childhood and loved showing Grand Champion halter horses. Sharon took great joy in watching her grandkids grow and develop in 4-H, FFA, band competitions, cheer, and all their adventures.

Sharon is survived by her husband Billy H. Prescott, daughter Tamara (Aaron) Pugsley, son Thomas (Amber) Prescott, grandchildren Taylor Pugsley, Ryan Prescott, and Sarah Prescott, brother Gene Morrison, and three sisters Shirley Strickland, Darlene Moser and Pam Morrison. She was preceded in death by her mother Hazel May Morrison, father Bernard D. Morrison, and brother Larry Lee Morrison.

Sharon worshipped at Cole Community Church in Boise, Idaho, Presbyterian Church in Brigham City, Utah, and most recently at Ten Mile Christian Church in Meridian, Idaho.

A memorial service will be held on Friday, May 12th at 2:00pm in the Gibson Chapel at Cloverdale Funeral Home (1200 N. Cloverdale Rd., Boise, Idaho 83713).

*** *** ***

*** *** ***

Family is Everything….
Neighborhood Christmas Brunch 

and Ornament Exchange at the

Home of Heidi Wright...

15 gals were able to come --

plus 4 little children...

  Bon Appétit

Breads, Jalapeño dip,

7-layer bean dip,

salads, fruit,

quiche, coffee cake,

cookies and dip...

along with hot chocolate

or sodas...


 Diane, SuzAnne...

  Kathie, Marcy...

 Laura in pink...

Heidi by table...

Jen, Kathie, MaryAnn, Marcy...

Standing--Chelsea, Rachel,

then Laura...

 Ellise on left...brought her 

two darling daughters, 

Brooklyn and Emery.

I didn't get a photo of Brooke

and her two darling daughters...

She had to leave early to take 

Olivia to pre-school. Her baby,

Ada, is one month old today.

Diane, SuzAnne, Missy,

 Kendra, Ellise...

Better photos of Chelsea and Rachel...


Heidi took a photo of each gal

and the ornament they got...

It was enlightening hearing

a favorite Christmas tradition

from each one after they

opened the ornament.

It was a steal, steal, stay 

exchange...except I kinda

hid my blue ornament.

(waiting to get photos

   from Heidi)


Kendra brought this yummy

plate of cookies and dip.

She is excited about her Mom

coming out for Christmas

from Chatanooga.

We all love Kendra's Tennessee

Southern drawl...

Eileen, Marcy...

We enjoyed meeting Marcy who

lives on Emerald Court by


Heidi showed us her

new puppy "Nala" -- 

a pocket bulldog.

We thank Heidi for hosting 

us in her beautiful home... 

...on Wildflower Court...

Sunset at 5:01 today...

*** *** ***


                    Family is Everything…

Thanks, Gary, for getting the tickets and

 picking me up at noon to go to...

...Maddie's Senior Year of the

BYU Youth Dancesport 

Winter Showcase...

Maddie, we loved watching you dance.

Your solo was so wonderful...I cried

all the wat through it.  

You are so beautiful!

Maddie's photo and 

write-up on the

Seniors' table...

It's always great to see the new

Orem Temple on the drive home. 

Maddie and Julie were so

tired when they got 

home late Saturday night.

they had left at 5:30 that morning.


Family is Everything…

First-- I'm remembering 

my father on his 

112th birthday...

the last 42 have been in heaven.

Arnold Albertson, Age 21 in

Hagerman, Idaho where he grew up.

Summer of 1934

He was 24 in September 1937 when

he eloped with his sweetheart,

Verna Beth Huffaker.

Arnold - Age 32 - Summer 1945

He died at age 69 of colon cancer.

Miss you, Daddy. I think of you as busy

and happy in heaven, reunited with

your eternal sweetheart after she was

a widow for 31 years.

*** *** ***
This is how I picture you in your

prime with Mom in heaven...


*** * 

Special Stake Conference

Saratoga Springs 

Utah Stake

Stake Conference

Stake Conference

Stake Conference

Stake Conference

Stake Conference

Stake Conference

Stake Conference

Stake Conference

Stake Conference

Stake Conference

Stake Conference

Stake Conference

Stake Conference

*** *** **

Petersen Cousins' Christmas Party

Cousins' Christmas Party


Cousins' Christmas Party


Cousins' Christmas Party

Cousins' Christmas Party


Cousins' Christmas Party

Cousins' Christmas Party

Cousins' Christmas Party

Sam's gourmet homemade

chocolate mousse...

Cousins' Christmas Party

Cousins' Christmas Party

For the game we numbered

off by 1's and 2's...

Each person had 5 slips of paper to write 5 

different words about Christmas...

like I wrote easy ones for people to figure 

out: Jesus Christ, Snow, Santa, Mistletoe, 

and Christmas Tree.

Among the other 90 words were:

 Baby Jesus, Carolers,

 Frankincense, Presents, Reindeer, North

 Star, Heat Meiser, Die Hard, It's A

 Wonderful Life, Snowman, Eggnog, 

Elf on the Shelf...

and more I can't remember or

didn't understand...

  1. an aromatic gum resin obtained from an African tree

  2.  and burned as incense.

Josh was the timer, 

except when it was his turn.

 A total of 19 were there...

Grama Eileen

David & Julie


Julie & John

Josh, Anna & Spencer, Sam, Will, Jacee,

 Jackson, Maddie, Riggy, Michael, Darby,

 Sarah, Carter...

Thank you, David & Julie, for

hosting another fun 

Cousins' Christmas Party

at your beautiful home.

Families are forever...

Wonderful Christmas Village...

** *I am so thankful for The Plan of Salvation and the Atonement of  Jesus Christ that makes this

 Great Plan operational.

At the end of this 
December 8th,

I pray you have had a                           restful , peaceful,                                        and spiritual                                             Sabbath Day...

I share these truths as                                my testimony to you...

Heavenly Father lives and knows us each by name. He loves us and wants us to return to Him and Heavenly Mother when we leave this mortal existence.  He loves us just as we are at this very moment.
Daily Scripture: Let every thing that hath breath praise the Lord. Praise ye the Lord. - Psalm 150:6
Daily Quote: I think the Latter-day Saints have a great obligation pressing in upon them to rejoice in the Lord, to praise him for his goodness and grace, to ponder his eternal truths in their hearts, and to set their hearts on righteousness. - Bruce R. McConkie

*** *** ***

Jesus Christ came to earth as The Only Begotten of the Father and fulfilled the Atonement. He is the Redeemer of all. 
*** *** ***

*** *** ***
I am thankful for the guidance of the Holy Ghost as the third member of the Godhead. 
Walt said to me once: "I look forward to thanking the Holy Ghost in person when I get to Heaven. I don't think we give Him enough credit for all He does."
Daily Scripture: And blessed are all they who do hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled with the Holy Ghost. - 3 Nephi 12:6
Daily Quote: We have been promised the constant companionship of the third member of the Godhead and hence the privilege of receiving revelation for our own lives. - Sheri L. Dew
***  *** *** *** ***

Joseph Smith was foreordained to be the Prophet of the Restoration.  He is the Restorer of all things.
*** *** ***
President Russell M. Nelson is the Living Prophet today for all the world. 
*** *** ***
The Bible is "the Word of God as far as it is translated correctly" and is a Testament of the Divinity of Jesus Christ.
*** *** ***
The Book of Mormon is the Word of God and is Another Testament of Jesus Christ. It is the most correct book of any book on earth.
*** *** ***
Daily Scripture: This life became a probationary state; a time to prepare to meet God; a time to prepare for that endless state which has been spoken of by us, which is after the resurrection of the dead. - Alma 12:24
Daily Quote: I invite you to diligently learn about and appreciate the eternal importance of temple covenants, temple ordinances, and temple worship as you strive to come unto the Savior. - David A. Bednar

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the True Church on the earth today.  Because of the restored Temple Ordinances families can be sealed for eternity.
*** *** ***
Of these truths I testify in the Name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Eileen Petersen
December 8, 2024

Next week 
December 9-15, 2024

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