November 20, 2016
November is half over...
Monday - November 14, 2016
It was a beautiful sunset tonight just before our
leaving for McCalls' home.
Neighborhood Empty Nesters'
Family Home Evening
at Gary and Colleen McCall's home...
The host and hostess, Gary and Colleen McCall prepared a tender and delicious roast witih mashed potatoes and gravy. The side dishes of vegetable, tossed salad, fruit bowl, hot-homemade rolls, and dessert were brought by the rest of us.
Gary and Colleen always sets a beautiful table.
There was a table for eight, a table for four, and a table for three for the fifteen who could come.
Here's Gary, Colleen, and Dan. They serve fun Perrier water and Sparkling Cider.
We gathered in their T.V. room for a DVD about thankfulness. Then in the living room, Colleen shared what she is thankful for and had us go around the circle to share the same.
We always love being together.
Frong: Ken and Bonnie Fronk, Bonnie and Ken Hansen,
Walt Petersen.
Next rows: Scott and G'lenn Bloham,
Gary and Colleen McCall, Dan Black,
David and Marilyn Gibbons, Steve and Sherry Ormond
Same photo, but with Eileen Petersen by Walt.
Tuesday - November 15, 2016
This morning I had an appointment with Dr. Spackman for a 3-month check on my diabetes. Walt and I also got our flu shots. I had a blood test to see how my A1C is doing. Will have the results later. We really like his office girls, and his nurse, Trina.
We ran some errands after leaving the hospital.
This evening was our monthly Relief Society Activity Night.
Everyone was welcomed at the door with this bag of things that were symbolic of Thanksgiving.
This Thanksgiving decor on the piano added to the ambiance.
Bonnie Fronk and her committee always plan something fun.
The theme was "Dots of Awesomeness."
I got a photo before they started. We had over 20 sisters there.
We all love to have Karen Taylor lead the music. I couldn't resist getting a photo of her. She shows much enthusiasm and love.
(The prayer had not been said yet.) I then put my camera away until the closing prayer and I could take more photos.
Bonnie is a great leader and teacher...
Preparedness -- Kathy Merrell taught us the proper way to store water.
How to study the scriptures--Shelley Higgins shared tips on how she studies the scriptures with her five young children.
Michelle Gerratt shared how their family with older and younger children study the scriptures.
Diane Fluckiger shared how she studies the scriptures.
One box she makes for herself to check off each day is E.S.P. = Exercise, Scriptures, Prayer.
The final section was:
Thanksgiving Left Overs--Stephanie Haines makes Turkey Pot Pie.
Ellen Petersen does Turkey and Noodles
Donna Westergard boils the carcass and all the bones 18-24 hours on low heat until they have integrated a lot of the calcium into the broth. Then you can make turkey and noodles, Southwestern turkey stew, turkey corn chowder.
Karen Taylor dumps the left over turkey, dressing, potatoes, veggies, etc., in a pan, boils it up, and calls it
"Thanksgiving Disposal Soup."
Wendy Weeks reviewed Woman at the Well by Camille Fronk Olson. Camille is Ken Fronk's cousin and a Assistant Professor of Ancient Religion at BYU who married at age 55.
I didn't get a photo of this.
Holiday Munchies were brought by the sisters, which included three plates of veggies and dip...
...a fun mix brought by LaRae Crane that had cereals with a sweet mixture over them.
Ruth Melling brought her delicious home-made from scratch dip for vegetables.
More munchies here are cookies and a cookie dip brought by Wendy Weeks. The dip is made from frosting and (have to call Wendy--can't remember).
Stephanie Haines made a yummy bar munchie from graham crackers, with a cup of brown sugar and (?--need to ask Stephanie) poured oven them, baked in a 350º oven for 7 minutes, then a package of chocolate chips dumped over them and spread over the top as they melt.
Here are some sisters sampling the "Holiday Munchies."
Karen Taylor, Diane Fluckiger, Stephanie Haines,
and Kathy Merrell.

G'lenn Bloxham is getting to know all the sisters in the Relief Society.
Young mothers come to R.S. Activity Night...
Shelley Higgins and Dianna Prescott.
Bonnie Fronk and her committee, Kaye Carson, Bonnie, Stephanie Haines, Karen Taylor.
We do give thanks for Relief Society Activity Night...
It was a surprise when I drove home and saw that our great neighbors, Steve and Sherry Ormond, had their Christmas lights put up and turned on. How fun!
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
We're on our way to the temple to rendezvous with Dale and Connie.
Here's a photo from Nov. 16, 2012 that popped up on face book this morning. It's after we finished our morning shift at the temple in San Salvador. We walked out to the front lawn of the temple to look at the beautiful white, larger than life statues of the Nativity Scene.
It's one of my favorite photos of Walt...with his smile.
Here's another good photo from Nov 2012

We did do a temple session today with Dale and Connie.
We got to Twin Falls just barely in time for our 1:10 six-month dermatology check up appointment for Walt. I'd had a haircut at 12:00 noon, so we didn't leave Burley till 12:25. Right on the dot--45-minute-drive.
Dr. Kurtis Reed did find some pre-cancerous spots that he froze off. One white, hard spot on Walt's right jaw line looked cancerous so Dr. Reed took a biopsy of it.
We rendezvoused with Dale and Connie for the 3:00 session at the Temple. It was cold today--dropped 26 degrees overnight.
Connie took a photo of Walt and me and Dale.
Dale chose Applebee's for dinner. We hadn't eaten there in our year and a half tradition of doing a temple session each Wednesday with Dale and Connie. Dale and I got the bar-b-qued spare ribs, but I can't remember what Connie or Walt got.
It was a lovely sunset tonight. Can't believe the time has inched up close to five o'clock when the sun goes down.
We are going to change to an earlier session now so we don't have to drive home in the dark.
Thursday - November 17, 2016
Walt got his 6-week foot check up by Dr. Wettstein this morning.
This afternoon we spent a couple of hours at the Christmas Festival of Trees at the Oregon Trail Center, which is on the north side of the Burley swimming pool, by the tennis courts.
Our favorite of the 28 trees was the blue and white BYU tree.
Owen and Lorreta Crockett have delighted many during Christmas season as Mr. and Mrs. Santa for over 30 years.
Here we are at the Festival of Trees.
We got to talk with one of our good friends, Kenna Wyatt, who always makes the most divine divinity for the Festival.
We also got to see other good friends, Andy and Jane Wilson. They have had some health problems recently but are doing
better now.
On our way out we got to talk with Bruce Beck, who for the 40 years of the Festival Trees has been a major factor in its success.
Serendipity Book Club
Tonight was our monthly Serendipity Book Club
at Linda Petersen's lovely home.
Bonnie Fronk, our president, asked each one to respond to this question (two days after the election: "What would you like our new President-elect Donald Trump to do when he takes office?"
The responses were:
Return prayer in school, be more patriotic, go back to original freedoms of the Constitution; do away with political correctness, return to the values on which our country was founded; have border closed, have the debt paid down, get rid of political correctness; use more prayer in meeting, lift people out of (didn't get the word written down); Look to "God Bless America," peace in the couintry; have Mitt Romney in a key position; more unity, patriotism, prayer; "Amen to everything said," plus have the debt paid down, thought the people were smarter than to demonstrate against the outcome of the election, have more kindness; have more love in the country, less racism; We are expecting a lot, It will be wonderful if he can do everything he has said; He has always worked with money so hopefully he can reduce the debt, hope Mitt Romney can have a place in the leadership roles; people work so hard for their wages so hope he can help people earn more money.
The book review on What's it Like on the Other Side by Brent L. Top was expertly given by Karen Robins who always does a great job.
Karen also served a delicious pumpkin roll with chocolate mints on the side for refreshments.
Dr. Joe Petersen came in to take the
group photo of the 14 of us.
Delores Green, Jennie Egbert, Linda Petersen, Carol Cheney, Marilyn Gibbons, Bonnie Fronk, Karma Lambert, Eileen Petersen, G'lenn Bloxham, Karen Robins, Ilene Mai, Bonnie Hansen, Judy Ward, and June Tilley.
Bonnie Hansen gave an interesting "Whet Your Appetite" on the book (about a thousand miles of a girl in North Korea) by playing some audio excerpts from it.
Bonnie Fronk, president; Carol Cheney, vice president; and Jennie Egbert, secretar y, are planning a nice Christmas Brunch for December 3.
Friday - November 18, 2016
Today we left for Utah in time to be at Layton for lunch with Brian and his friend Jennifer Doak when they got to Utah mid-morning. Steve drove them from the airport to Layton. Janie also drove down to rendezvous with them.
Saturday - November 19, 2016
Sunday - November 20, 2016
Heavenly Father loves us.
Jesus Christ loves us.
Joseph Smith--from the instruction of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ--is the Prophet of the Restoration.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true and will fill the earth.
The Book of Mormon is Another Testament of Jesus Christ.
The Bible is the first Testament of Jesus Christ.
President Thomas S. Monson is the living Prophet on the earth today.
We look forward to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ in His Glory.
Of these truths we testify. -- Walt and Eileen Petersen
Burley, I D A H O