Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Traces of Time . . . May 15-21, 2016

Traces of Time . . .
This week 
~ May 15, 2016 
May 21, 2016
in IDAHO ~

May 15, 2016 - Sunday 
To keep the Sabbath Day Holy...

...we went to Church, Walt was asked by a neighbor for some iinformation about a sister-in-law in a coma from cancer, we taught our Temple Preparation Class, and went home teaching. 

Then we relaxed.

Our testimonies continue to grow each day.
We know that our Heavenly Father loves us and knows us personally.

We know that Jesus Christ was sent to the earth to become our Redeemer and Savior.  He, too, knows each of us by name.  

We now that Joseph Smith was foreordained to restore the Gospel to the earth for these latter days under the direction of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.  He is the Prophet of the Restoration.

We know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God and Another Testament of Jesus Christ.  We know the Bible is the word of God.

We know that Thomas S. Monson is the living Prophet on the Earth today.

We sustain the Prophets, Seers, and Revelators.
We are thankful that because of the Restored Temple Ordinances of the Priesthood, families can be together forever when we do our part.

We are thankful for our parents, grandparents, and beyond and pray we will bring honor to the good names they have given to us.

We are thankful for all the tender mercies of the Godhead for each one of us.

In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

May 16, 2016 - Monday

I cooked a homemade taco salad for supper today. And we had our first corn on the cob of the season.

May 17, 2016 - Tuesday

We met with our accountant, Todd Phillips, this morning.  We are thankful for all his excellent work for us.

Then Walt had an appointment a doctor about his legs and back.  His hip replacement is still snugly in place after 15 months, but...
...the doctor said his back is not looking good. He needs to check with his neurosurgeon in Salt Lake, Dr. Charles Rich, Jr., in Salt Lake City who did the initial back surgery in May of either 2012 or 2013.  (Think it's 2012, but need to look it up.)
And the knees are in bad shape.  There should be a solid black line along that joint and it's mostly just white. ...bone on bone is painful.
So Walt had both knees injected.  We are thankful for the many great physicians and surgeons in Burley.
Shawn stopped in at our home on his way to a medical procedure in Twin Falls.  He was thankful for a priesthood blessing from his father-in-law, and family friend, David Gibbons.
Then Walt rode over to Twin Falls with Shawn. They enjoy being together.
He came back with a large dressing, but everything turned out excellent.  A great Moh's surgeon who was trained at Mayo Clinic in Rochester is now in Twin Falls.
Then we went to vote.
We are blessed to have great men and women in Burley, the Magic Valley, and our state of Idaho who will run for public office.

May 18, 2016 - Wednesday
We were out of sync today, since we didn't drive to Twin Falls to do a temple session. We began on Wednesday, April 15, 2015 doing a temple session each Wednesday with Walt's brother Dale and his wife Connie.  They live in Twin Falls, so we rendezvous for the session, then eat together at a restaurant after.  

May 19, 2016 - Thursday
Walt put up some "honey-dos" today.
I've been wanting the little pictures we have to "Blue Boy" and "Pinkie" put up again.  In April we has some family photos hung in our bedroom and those two little miniatures had just been sitting on our dresser.
Walt took a photo of me after my haircut.  It was raining so the hair got a little droopy.  I thought if I enlarged this photo we cold see the growth under my right eye that would be cut off the next day by the dermatologist, but I can't really see it.
Walt started physical therapy again at the Burley hospital.  This time it's for his back.
Here's Walt at the end of the day after we had gone home teaching to Dan Black in the early evening.   Then our home teachers, Eric Pierce and  Carson came about eight o'clock that evening.

May 20, 2016 - Friday
We drove to Twin Falls in the rain for our 11:10 a.m. appointments with our dermatologist, Dr. Kurtis Reed.  Walt was there for his six-month check, and I was there for the growth on my upper right cheek below my eye.  
Dr. Reed did a biopsy of it to rule out a pre-cancer, which he doesn't really think it is.

Then we went to the 1:00 temple session.  Dale and Connie are with Dale's close friends from high school, Roger Dixon and David Petersen.  The wives have become good friends, too--Connie, Deanne, and Nancy.  They are spending Wednesday through Friday or Saturday together at someone's time share condo in Park City.
These are friends in our same session who took the photo of us -- Rick Dayley's Mom and Dad.

May 21, 2016 - Saturday


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