Friday, April 17, 2015

This week in Burley, Idaho - April 13-19, 2015

This week in Burley, IDAHO - Monday, April 13 to
Sunday, April 19, 2015.
April 13, 2015 - Monday
Walt has physical therapy two times a week now: Monday and Thursday. I drive him to the hospital then run errands before I go back in an hour to pick him up.
   We worked outside some. I put a hose on the flowers on the north side of the house.
    For Family Home Evening we watched a documentary on PBS about a Nazi Death Camp called "Sobibór" from which 250 Jewish prisoners escaped on Oct. 14, 1943, the day before they had been warned by prisoners from another camp that were sent to their camp that the Nazi's were going to kill all 600-some prisoners since the Jewish workers were no longer needed because there were so few Jews left for the Germans to kill.  

Here's an authentic description I Googled:

Of the 250 who got out of the camp, 150 were re-captured, many died in the mine field outside the camp.  But 50 did hide out safely until the war ended, many helped by the Polish people at risk to their own lives.

It was the most successful break out of any of the death camps.
The head of the SS was so mad about the escape that he ordered the camp to be completely destroyed.

"Sobibór (pronounced [sɔˈbibur]) was a Second World War Nazi German extermination camp located on the outskirts of the village of Sobibór in occupied Poland within the semi-colonial territory of General Government. The camp was part of the secretive Operation Reinhard which marked the deadliest phase of the Holocaust in Poland. Its official German name was SS-Sonderkommando Sobibór. The camp was situated near the rural county's only major town of Włodawa (called Wolzek by the Germans).[2]Jews from Poland, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Czechoslovakia and the Soviet Union, as well as the Soviet prisoners of war, were transported to Sobibór by rail and suffocated in gas chambers fed by the exhaust of large petrol engines. Up to 200,000 people were murdered at Sobibór,[3] and possibly more. During the postwar trial against the former SS personnel of Sobibór, held in Hagen, Professor Wolfgang Scheffler estimated the total figure of murdered Jews at a minimum of 250,000.[4][5]
During a revolt of 14 October 1943, about 600 prisoners tried to escape; about half succeeded in crossing the fence, of whom around 50 evaded capture. Shortly after the revolt, the Germans closed the camp, bulldozed the earth and planted it over with pine trees to conceal its location. The site is occupied by the Sobibór Museum, which displays a pyramid of ashes and crushed bones of the victims, collected from the cremation pits thereafter."
    The story was retold by a Jewish man who had been a 14-year-old boy when taken to the "Sobibor" death camp. His father, mother, and younger brother were all gassed there.
  The documentary shows him walking around the spot and identifying where the different buildings in the camp had been.
      Very sobering and sad to learn about this.  "Lest we forget..."

April 14, 2015 - Tuesday
The temperature, as the weather forecaster warned the day before, dropped 40 degrees, and there were snow flurries, with wind gusts up to 30 or 40mph (not like the gusts up to 90mph in Saratoga Springs).
It was so cold!  
   If you look closely at the leaves you can see the snow has gathered on the tulips.
The snow flurries were just in wisps.
You can see the snow got everything wet...the picnic table in back and the patio are everything else.
    Linda Schiers posted that it was an answer to our fast for more moisture from the Fast Sunday two days before.
     Dale & Connie stopped in about 3:00 after picking up their finished tax return and I put some logs in the fireplace but didn't have enough kindling to get them burning.
     We confirmed our rendezvous of meeting at the temple on Wednesdays to do a 1:00 session, then go eat together.
After they left we got our winter coats on and walked over to Mellings to see Don and Ruth.  Don always says he's "about the same."
He sleeps most of the day in the family room recliner.
We spent the rest of the day trying to keep warm.
I had this baseball cap on when I took the photos outside so my hair wouldn't get wet.
April 15, 2015 - Wednesday
We stopped at the Accounting Office to sign our income tax that Todd Phillips had prepared for us.  We get a small refund.

Then we headed to the temple, arriving at 12:15 noon because Walt was concerned about being able to change into his whites since he cannot bend more than 90 degrees.
    Dale helped him, and we had a good session.
We always love being with Walt's brother, Dale, and his wife, Connie.

     As we were leaving, we talked to the Gibbons as they were just pulling into the parking lot for their evening Spanish shift.
We enjoyed a late lunch-early dinner at Jaker's about 4:00.  Dale and Connie both ordered Clear Springs Trout and Walt and I ordered Chicken Fried Steak--all from the "Smart Menu" which has smaller portions and is less expensive.  Delicious food!
We were two days too soon to get the "birthday dinner half price" special.  But they did bring a "free dessert" of whipped cream over a cinnamon roll--with four spoons.  It looked better than it tasted.
I got another photo.
Then the cashier took a photo of the four of us together.
 I started to head out of town for Burley, then remembered that we'd driven over on a fourth tank of gas, which was near Empty now.  So we turned around and got gas at Costco.
   We got home about 5:30.
April 16, 2015 - Thursday
Walt had his physical therapy #17 this afternoon.  About every time I go in to pick him up, they have him on something different.  He is on a balancing machine here.
We needed a couple of sprinklers (ours are getting old, and actually we can't find all of them).  Surprise! Walt ran into two friends whom we had not seen since getting back in November.  Julie thinks her Dad could go anywhere in the world and someone would come up and say: "Dr. Petersen, how nice to see you..."
And here's Eileen Ramsey whom we've been friends with for a long time.

April 16, 2015 - Thursday
I had Serendipity Study Book Club this Thursday evening. Our president this year is Linda Petersen who is always great at anything she does.  I think she does more for Burley and our area than anyone else I know.  
  By her is Bonnie Hansen who hosted the gathering in her beautiful home.  She is another gal who does so much for our community!
 Here is Terri Smith, our secretary, who is another amazing gal.
Actually, each gal in the book club is outstanding.  I feel blessed to be associated with them.  Sitting on the left is June Tilley, who gave a fun "whet your appetite" on a book about oxymorons.  If you're not acquainted with oxymorons...they are two opposites put together.  Example "Giant shrimp." 
And on the right is Susan Young...there is nothing not to love about Susan. 
The book review, given by Gladys Harrison, was on a book by Marilyn Arnold "Pure Love." Terri said: "It contained many interesting and beautiful verses on charity and the pure love of Christ." Gladys is one of the most spiritual women I know.
To the right of Gladys are Marilyn Gibbons and Carol Cheney. As I said above, each gal is accomplished and intelligent.
We each take our turns hosting, giving a book review, "Whet Your Appetite," serving refreshments or holding an office.
Here is Ilene Mai, who served yummy root beer floats and cookies.
She was there at the driveway when Walt fell two months ago and helped me so much in getting Walt to the Emergency Room.  She is very compassionate and caring.  It's nice to see her in the hospital each Monday where she volunteers.
And here are Bonnie Fronk and me.
Bonnie is a jewel and such an outstanding teacher, as well as a caring friend.  
I'm so sad I didn't get a photo of Karen Robins before she had to leave.  She had just arrived back in Burley in time for our gathering, coming from a fun trip to Savannah, Georgia.  What an excellent nurse she is.  Burley was the better when Gary swept her away from Rexburg.  It doesn't seem like he has passed away to us. We lost several dear friends while gone on our missions.
We missed Jennie Egbert, who was ill. We have enjoyed having Jennie in Burley since they moved here from Nova Scotia.  She is Janet Hansen's mother.
Also, we missed Karma Lambert, Kathy Barrus, Dolores Green and Carolyn Taylor who were not able to be there.
Terri reported: "Judy Ward is getting better each day and is making good progress in her recovery.  We pray she will be back with us soon."
And "Pat Greenman has moved to Twin Falls and loves her new home with a view of the temple.  She says she enjoys seeing her Burley friends at the Temple and at Costco."

We missed all who were unable to attend. It's always good to be together.  (We are meeting the second Thursday in May at the home of Bonnie Fronk for a closing social and pot-luck supper at 6:30 p.m.)
I'm always relieved when I get home and Walt is okay.  I have only left him alone for my book club gatherings since he broke his hip.
April 17, 2015 - Friday
We always start birthday mornings with a breakfast of donuts and chocolate milk and birthday presents.
He chose some new sprinklers for the yard and some sweat pants for his gifts.
They're nice sprinklers. Really.
The $6.50 sweat pants -- not so special.  But I forgot he also chose some clip-on sunglasses he's been needing for a long time. His old ones got so scratched he couldn't see out of them. That case will be good to keep these new ones from getting scratched.
Then he decided he'd like to go to the temple for either a session or initiatory.  We asked at the recommend desk which they needed done the most and they asked us to do a session.  There were 13 men and 21 women, so 34 is good for the 1:00 session.
Walt waited by the front entrance while I walked down the steps and drove the car up to get him.
He is not to bend more than 90 degrees (because it could pop-out the hip replacement parts), so he cannot tie his shoe laces. He's been wanting to get some slip-on dress shoes.  So we drove downtown Twin Falls to where Hudson's Shoes was the last we knew.  That building is now a "Thrift Shop."
  We called Dale to see where Hudson's is now.  Dale directed us to the Lynnwood Shopping Center.  Then we had to call him back because we couldn't remember where the Lynnwood was.
"Blue Lakes and Filer Avenue," he said.   We pulled off there, but we were on the west side of the little mall, and Hudson's is on the
south-east side we found out by asking a passerby.
   After going "around the block" via Twin Falls High School, we
found Hudson's and some wonderful SAS black slipon shoes, that can be both dressy and casual.  (They were on sale for $20 off.  I asked about their Berkinstocks and she said they go on sale around Mother's Day.)
   We asked her how long ago Hudson's Shoes had moved from downtown.  "Twelve years ago," she said.
What can we say?  We've been out of the country 9 and 1/2 years.
   And that was the happiest birthday present of all!  
Walt has had one other pair of SAS shoes for about 8-10 years and they have been the most comfortable shoes he has ever had.
(He was self conscious about the white sox with his dark blue suit, but he can't bend down to put other socks on when he changes into his white clothes in the temple.)
We got home from Twin at 5:20...just in time to see the end of Jeopardy.  We only remember to turn it on about 2-3x a week.
We're lucky to get one or two of the questions right in the half-hour time.

Before I went in to bake the pie and cook Walt's birthday supper, I took a photo of the tulips.
Here's a closeup.  They're about to wither away I'm afraid.
Out of the 150 tulips--which are yellow with a scattering of orange ones, there is one purple one! Don't know how that happened.
They are all along the front porch.
Walt said he just wanted fried spuds 'n onions for his birthday supper.  I did add a tossed salad and hot veggie, with the dessert being his freshly baked hot apple pie. 
Yep, he got a "birthday pie," this year. 
Let's just say, it tasted a whole lot better than it looked.
I did carve "Happy B-day, Walt" in the crust...but it's illegible.
For the evening activity we opened the box of what we thought were photos of Grama Jane's that Phyllis had.  Dale Bunn brought them over when he and Mitch came to see Walt in the hospital.  We thought there would be more photos.  It is mostly letters and cards to Grama Jane from family and friends.
It did have a good photo of Bide & Rie Prescott's remaining four of their six children, plus two spouses, at the July 2000 Prescott Reunion, which Walt is holding in the photo below.
Here's a close up of it.  Left to right: Tess Prescott Julian, Betty Hutson Prescott, Dean Prescott, Jane Prescott Petersen Hashman, Tom Prescott, Marge DeMoss Prescott.  Precious memories of Walt's mother, aunts and uncles. What dear, dear family members who are all in heaven now.
And that's what happened on Walter Ray Petersen's 81st birthday on this April 17th of 2 0 1 5.

April 18, 2015 - Saturday
Today was a sleep-in-no-energy-to-do-much day for us.
This is the second week that Kenneth Weeks has mowed our lawn.
We so appreciate it.
We walked over to see the Mellings from 5:45 to 7:20. Roskelleys stopped in when they got back from their Saturday mid-day Temple Shift.  Don says: "I'm about the same."
Ruth thinks he should be trying to walk more.  Jeff Gibbons comes in with home health 3 times a week to help him walk.

We ended the day watching our recording of the Lawrence Welk Show.
I took a photo of Elmo.  I think our 7-month old Rigdon Petersen left him here on Easter.

April 19, 2015 - Sunday
Today was a special day, in that we got to attend two Sacrament Meetings where returning missionaries spoke.
Terry and Jolene Miller spoke about their 18-months serving in the Australia Brisbane Mission.  They each shared powerful testimonies of the Savior and the Restoration of the True Church. 
   This was in the Acequia First Ward - 12 miles from Burley. Terry served in the Bishopric with Walt of the Burley 12th Ward of young single adults from 2000 to 2004.  I didn't get a photo of them today, but here is one they posted last September on their 49th wedding anniversary while in Australia.
 Dear patients and friends of Walt's, Rick and Sherma Poteet, talked to us after the Sacrament Meeting.  She told us that their daughter served her mission in El Salvador and loved seeing the photos we have posted on our blog while we were there.
Then we drove back to our Burley Third Ward to hear Rachel Weeks speak in Sacrament Meeting about her serving in the Georgia Atlanta Mission. (I think it was Atlanta.)
    She shared several points she learned while serving and bore a strong and sincere testimony of the Savior and His Gospel.
1. Be aware of the frailties of men, including ourselves.
2. (Sorry, can't remember this one.)
3. Laugh
4. People's hearts can be changed.
5. Love is your answer to every problem.
6. Live in the now.
7. Learned on mission how much I love my parents, g-parents, and siblings.  They loved and supported me.
8. Jesus is our Savior.
      Jesus Christ is the master physician. He expects us to keep trying.  He needs us to help others. 
This mission changed my life. I have started on my journey to be His disciple.
   (Rachel had scriptures, examples or experiences with each point.)
Her Mom told me that Rachel will be returning to Utah State in the fall.
We had a quiet Sunday dinner and now are calling it a day.
This is the first day I have hardly coughed in two weeks.  Hopefully my severe bronchitis is subsiding.
If you are ever in Burley, the top plaque by our front door says:
" Welcome. 
Our home is your home."
We would love to have you come visit us.
We pray you have had a restful and peaceful Sabbath Day.
We were sad to miss our Priesthood/Relief Society/and 
Sunday School classes today.
We were also touched by President Tracy King's 
closing remarks in our Sacrament Meeting: paraprhasing...
   We were willing to come to earth 
to receive a body like our Father in Heaven.
    We will return to the Spirit World.  
This knowledge is a blessing that other's do not have.

We testify that Heavenly Father loves us each individually and
knows our name, as does His Beloved Son, Jesus Christ.
In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Walt and Eileen Petersen

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