Sunday, April 6, 2014

Continuing "The Road to Heart Surgery..."

Tuesday, March 18, 2014 concluded...
Our dear friends, Lorna & Carl Coombs came to see Walt.
Then Dr. Don Doty and Elder Kent F. Richards of the Seventy came to see Walt. Elder Richardson works with the Temple Department.
Our son, David, came by after a busy day at Rocky Mtn. Eye Care.
My sister, Janice, and Jeff came to give Walt their well wishes.  They live in Midvale--3 minutes from the Murray Intermountain Health Care Center.
Then, our daughter Janie, and her husband Shawn arrived from Rexburg.
Our youngest son, Brian, flew in that evening from Tennessee. He had rescheduled two days of his orthopedic surgery patients' appointments and driven from McMinnville to the airport in Nashville.
  Gary came, as did David and Julie to rendezvous with the others.
Brian, David, Gary, and Shawn gave Walt a priesthood blessing.
Brian anointed with the oil and David sealed the anointing with a great blessing for his Dad.
With all the prayers for him and this Priesthood Administration, we have much faith that his open heart surgery will be successful in restoring his health.
      They said their goodnights, then I called David and Julie back because I had a photo of everyone except for Julie, David's wife.
Our Julie Beth had spent most of the day with her Dad, and had gone home when her kids got out of school.
Next post...the Day of Surgery.

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