Then. ...back to June 14, 1961 newlyweds, Walt & Eileen

The Celebration was Friday, June 17.
We are so thankful for all who came to our open house. Our kids figure there were about 350. And we thank our family and friends for the many, many cards we have received.
Our kids did all the planning, decorating, providing, preparing, and serving.
David's wife Julie's father, Brent Black, designed the fun flag display from our missions to Mexico, Central America, and South America to go with the chips 'n salsas.
Fri, June 16--Gathering afternoon and evening of the 48:
Walt & I made stew and scones.
Fri, June 1 7: Family photo and Open House
B: Janie & Shawn; L: Dave & Julie; D: Brian & Michelle.
Sat, June 18: Reunion fun day, wedding shower for Aimee
B: Jen & Jerry; L: Steve & Natalie; D: Gary & Kathy
Sun, June 19: Father's Day/Our speaking in Sacrament Meeting
Brunch: Julie & John
Janie did the layout for our invitations, Aimee added some flourishes;
Julie addressed, stamped, and mailed the invitations;
Kathy spray painted in gold 40-50 picture frames to have 3 on each table with photos of us through the years and made the lavender table runners;
All 7 couples and older grandchildren helped decorate the cultural hall in a garden theme, with several family photos through the years and the current photo (taken by Peterson Photography--Cherie Peterson) of Walt and me on easels. Also displayed were Walt's white dinner jacket and cumberbund he wore at our reception, and my wedding dress.
Jen spent hours putting the slide show together, which was shown for the first time to us at the family dinner before the open house. It was played throughout the celebration.
Gary planned activities for the younger grandchildren to do during the open house;
Janie put together a program of the grandchildren acting out a part of our courtship, and then each grandchild told something they loved about Grampa and Grama; with the finale being Katie in my wedding dress and Daniel in the white dinner jacket waltzing to the "Anniversary Waltz"..."Oh, how we danced on the night we were wed..." and Walt and I joining in waltzing for the last half of the song.
Walt and I gave our thanks to finish the program, then resumed the line for those still waiting to greet us.
I've got to have some help to figure out why my blogs won't post on the new computer.
And now all my current photos are saved in the new computer.....so I've put a couple of photos that I have in this old "dinosaur/slower than molasses" laptop from which I am putting this post.
Hope you can get it all working on your new laptop. Can't believe you leave this month!
The evening was amazing. When your grand children dressed in your wedding attire, started to dance I thought how neat, but when you and Pres. joined the dance, it brought tears to my eyes...it was amazing to watch something so special.
It was evident of the love your children have for you.
By the way, I had to start using google chrome for my blog because explorer wasn't working any more. I only use Chrome for my blog.
Have a wonderful day!
TRYING TO GET MY NEW LAPTOP TO ACCEPT NEW POSTS...something about the Java Script not working.
Sorry....we have lots of photos of the dedication of this beautiful new San Salvador El Salvador Temple where we will be for 3 years.
Love, Los Petersen - Walt & Eileen
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