Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Traces of Time . . . March 3-9, 2025

 TRACES OF TIME . . .     

                      {Last week: Scroll to end and click "Older Posts" at bottom right.} 
March 3-9, 2025

 "Time moves slowly, but passes quickly.                               Time – Past – Present - Future -- Top 15 Past, Present, & Future Quotes of all time by Matshona Dhliwayo:

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 On this blog I share with family and friends my daily thoughts, doings, what interests me, and--at times--tributes to my eternal sweetheart, Walt, who graduated to heaven on 8-21-2020.Walt called himself "The last of the old-time country doctors."He delivered about 4,000 babies, among fixing broken hips, other surgeries, and even made house calls.As Janie said in his obituary:"He healed many hearts, heads, hands, and everything in-between."

 In the 1950s you had to be 20 to serve a mission. This is Walt in August 1954, on the day he was set apart in Salt Lake City 
to be a missionary.

Dedicated to our seven children--Janie, Gary, Steve, David, Julie, Brian, Jen...

  ...their spouses--Julie, John, Jennifer, Jerry--our 39 grandchildren--8 spouses of G-C, and 8 great-grandchildren, including Ingrid Ray born December 4, 2024--for a posterity of 71.

Week of

       MARCH 3-9, 2025


Family is Everything….
 Sunrise: 7:18 a.m. 

    Sunset:  6:06 p.m.
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Family is Everything…



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Family is Everything…
 Day 3 in hospital...

This is from our friend, Jon Groeman:

Yesterday we held our semi-annual Stake Conference and one of the topics was related to our worship of Jesus Christ this upcoming Easter Season and the importance of HIS resurrection. We were encouraged to ponder the meaning this has for each of us and our families. We were asked the question about being worthy to live in the presence of God and his Son in their Celestial glory. The topic went to repentance and the discussion was about what formula involving repentance and time would make it possible for us to be worthy to be with them.

Galileo said "Mathmatics is the language of God."

It made me think of Einstein's theory of Relativity E=MC² This theory has stood the test of time and has been proven over and over again. So, I thought if we took the same equation and substituted the variables with Time and repentance and worthiness we would have something like this. Worthiness (W) equals Time (T) times Repentance (R) squared. W=TR² The more we repent per day, month, or year, the more worthy we become.

Section 19 of the Doctrine and Covenants talks about repentance a lot and how if we repent we can be saved from endless punishment and eternal misery. Today I look more positively at becoming more worthy of the merciful judgement of our Savior Jesus Christ.

I hope we can teach our Children and Grand Children the importance of repentance and seeking forgiveness for our sins. If so, we stand to receive a glorious place living in the presence of God.


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Family is Everything…


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Family is Everything…


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                    Family is Everything…

Lane came this morning. He's the occupational therapist who ncame for home health last
September and October.


Family is Everything…

Saratoga Springs 3rd Ward 

12:00 Noon-2:00 p.m...

Sacrament Meeting  - 

This afternoon...

** *I am so thankful for The Plan of Salvation and the Atonement of  Jesus Christ that makes this

 Great Plan operational.

At the end of this 
March 9th,

I pray you have had a                           restful, peaceful, and spiritual     Sabbath Day...

I share these truths as                                my testimony to you...

Heavenly Father lives and knows us each by name. He loves us and wants us to return to Him and Heavenly Mother when we leave this mortal existence.  He loves us just as we are at this very moment.

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Jesus Christ came to earth as The Only Begotten of the Father and fulfilled the Atonement. He is the Redeemer of all. 
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I am thankful for the guidance of the Holy Ghost as the third member of the Godhead. 
Walt said to me once: "I look forward to thanking the Holy Ghost in person when I get to Heaven. I don't think we give Him enough credit for all He does."

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Joseph Smith was foreordained to be the Prophet of the Restoration.  He is the Restorer of all things.
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President Russell M. Nelson is the Living Prophet today for all the world. 

“Keep on the covenant path,” “Gather Israel,” “Let God prevail,” “Build bridges of understanding,” “Give thanks,” “Increase your faith in Jesus Christ,” “Take charge of your testimony,” and “Become a peacemaker.”

Russell M. Nelson

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The Bible is "the Word of God as far as it is translated correctly" and is a Testament of the Divinity of Jesus Christ.
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The Book of Mormon is the Word of God and is Another Testament of Jesus Christ. It is the most correct book of any book on earth.
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The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the True Church on the earth today.  Because of the restored Temple Ordinances families can be sealed for eternity.
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Of these truths I testify in the Name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Eileen Petersen
March 9, 2025, 
Next week 
Mar 2-9, 2025
Mar 10-16, 2025
Mar 17-23, 2025
Mar 24-30, 2025
Mar 31-April 6, 2025

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Feb 24-Mar 2, 2025


10.  Time crawls when you are bored; walks when you are occupied; runs when you are busy; but flies when you are having fun.

11.   The past only dies so the future can live.

12.   Time is your acquaintance, life is your friend, death is your enemy, and existence is your soulmate.  Eileen's note: I don't think "death is our enemy," it is our progression.

13.   Life is temporal. Time is fleeting. God is permanent. Eternity is enduring.

14.   A coward may have the legs of a cheetah, but time has the legs of lightning.

15.  Death is a great tyrant; none can overthrow him. Life is a priceless ruby; none can afford it. Eternity is a noble mistress; none can woo her.

The sun does not hurry, yet is always on time. Stars do not hurry, yet are never late. God may not hurry, but never delays. ~Matshona Dhliwayo