Thursday, June 6, 2024

Traces of Time - - - June 3-9, 2024

 TRACES OF TIME . . .                         {Last week: Scroll to end and click "Older Posts" at bottom right.} On this blog I share with family and friends my daily thoughts, doings, what interests me, and--at times--tributes to my eternal sweetheart, Walt, who graduated to heaven on 8-21-2020.

Dedicated to our seven children--Janie, Gary, Steve, David, Julie, Brian, Jen, their spouses, our 39 grandchildren, 9 spouses of g-c, 7 great-grandchildren, for a posterity of 67.

 JUNE 3-9,  2024
MONDAY, JUNE 3, 2024                            Family is Everything                               Sunrise: 5:58 a.m. Sunset:  8:52 p.m
...This Monday 


Last week to compare...

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TUESDAY, JUNE 4, 2024 

               Family is Everything ... 

 Family Book Club for June

David's choice

Boyle's stories in Tattoos on the Heart are a powerful reminder
 that everyone deserves a chance to change and grow. He urges us to look beyond the surface and see the inherent goodness in every individual. His message is one of hope and redemption, emphasizing the transformative power of love and compassion.

Eileen Petersen <>




DAVID – TUES, JUNE 4, 2024

Hi Book Club! Have we not done "Tattoos on the Heart?" I thought for sure I had picked that before, but I don't see in on our spreadsheet of previous books. If we haven't I definitely pick that! Let me know if we have, and I will pick another book. I still love the book club! Loved the Gladwell books, and Paul Revere's Ride!

Eileen Petersen <>




to me FROM STEVE – TUES, JUNE 4, 2024

We have not done that one! I have read it several Times. It’s fantastic. Looking forward to it again now!!

Eileen Petersen <>


to me FROM STEVE – WED, JUNE 5, 2024

Listened to Tats on the Heart on my way to work this morning, about 20 mins. Teared up twice. Committed to be better. The book is “great” (when you read the first chapter that word will make you smile, and maybe the opposite). Excellent Choice D!


Eileen Petersen <>


to me FROM JANIE – WED, JUNE 5, 2024

I think I read this on one of your recommendations, and it is in my top 5. Excellent choice!! I also really enjoyed Paul Revere’s ride. I felt like it was a great insight into how the minute men were historically formed and organized, and how the British were viewed, and the contrast in military approach.



Eileen Petersen <>

to me FROM DAVID – TUES, JUNE 4, 2024

And I also just noticed, looking at the previous books, that this July is the 10 year anniversary of the Family Book Club! July 2014, David and Goliath, by Malcolm Gladwell, picked by Steve! Even 10 years later I look back on those early picks and still love them - The Rent Collector, Unbroken, Boys in the Boat, and Call of the Wild, Dad's first pick!


Eileen Petersen <>

to me FROM – STEVE – TUES, JUNE 4, 2024

This has been an epic journey and camaraderie for the book club peeps thank you for the support and sharing over the last decade!


Eileen Petersen <>

to me FROM DAVID – WED, JUNE 5, 2024

I laugh and cry every time I listen to this again! I quote it extensively in my church talks. "Narrow is the way - not a narrowness that excludes, but a narrowness that allows pushes us closer together…


That’s just great! 


Eileen Petersen <>




 from Mom

I just have 10 pages left in the histology—Chapter 23. It was interesting for me to listen to it knowing that Heavenly Father wanted this to be a free nation for the restoration of the Gospel to happen here… …which began just 45 years after the 1775 ride of Paul Revere—1820. As the last thing Marilyn Anderson told her family: “…He is Always in All the Details.”    


WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5, 2024                            Family is Everything...
and so are friends.                                
Lunch Bunch was at Cubby's 
some liked their food,
some not so much.
Anf it's more expensive
than other places.

12 could come
Left to right:
Jeanie, Faye, Nadine.
Annette, Eileen, Tammy,
Laura, Linda B, Kaye,
Kathie, Sue.
Lunch Bunch
Linda B, Heidi
Lunch Bunch
Kaye, Laura
Faye, Jeanie
Eileen, Annette
Sue, Nadine
 Outside in the sunshine...

We like to still keep talking
to each other...even outside.
 It's so nice to be together
once a week...

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Movie Night with Gary 

"Guys 'N Dolls"
from 1955

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THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 2024                            Family is Everything...

FRIDAY, JUNE 7, 2024                            Family is Everything...

Family is Everything...
 JaNicE, my sister, is 75 today.

Happy Birthday, Janice  “75”

June 8, 2024

Love,  Eileen


Janice & Jeff home from NYC family trip...
 This is Janice's family who went
with her to New York City...

xxx xxx xxx
SUNDAY,  JUNE 9, 2024
Family is Everything...
Saratoga Springs 3rd Ward
 3rd WARD
Missionary: Sister Rachel Sherman
Arizona Gilbert Mission
June 2024-November 2025

Her sister, Tiffany, spoke at her
3rd Ward Relief Society
Laura Eles, 2nd Counselor

Barbara Lindeman taught
for first time after called
"Pillar and Rays"

Pillars and Rays

By Elder Alexander Dushku

We too can have our own pillar of light—one ray at a time.

"My message is for those who worry about their testimony because they haven’t had overwhelming spiritual experiences. I pray that I can provide some peace and assurance.

The Restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ began with an explosion of light and truth! A teenage boy in upstate New York, with the very ordinary name of Joseph Smith, enters a grove of trees to pray. He’s worried about his soul and his standing before God. He seeks forgiveness for his sins. And he’s confused about which church to join. He needs clarity and peace—he needs light and knowledge...""

Mary Lu and Nathan gave me a ride home...

Cloud Burst
Another delicious Sunday Dinner...
Street Snacks tonight...
I don't have the stamina
to walk around anymore...
Hopefully Samantha
took photos...

At the end of this June 9th,

I pray you have had a

restful , peaceful, and spiritual

Sabbath Day...

I share these truths as my testimony to you...

Heavenly Father lives and knows us each by name. He loves us and wants us to return to Him and Heavenly Mother when we leave this mortal existence.  
He loves us just 
as we are at this very moment. 
He knows what our potential is.
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Jesus Christ came to earth as The Only Begotten of the Father and fulfilled the Atonement. He is the Redeemer of all.
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I am thankful for the guidance of the Holy Ghost as the third member of the Godhead. 
Walt said to me once: "I look forward to thanking the Holy Ghost in person when I get to Heaven. I don't think we give Him enough credit for all He does."
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Joseph Smith was foreordained to be the Prophet of the Restoration.  He is the Restorer of all things.
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President Russell M. Nelson is the Living Prophet today for all the world. 
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The Bible is "the Word of God as far as it is translated correctly" and is a Testament of the Divinity of Jesus Christ.
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The Book of Mormon is the Word of God and is Another Testament of Jesus Christ. It is the most correct book of any book on earth.
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The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the True Church on the earth today.  Because of the restored Temple Ordinances families can be sealed for eternity.

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Of these truths I testify in the Name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Eileen Petersen
June 9, 2024

xxx xxx xxx

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