Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Traces of Time . . . June 17-23, 2024

 TRACES OF TIME . . .                           {Last week: Scroll to end and click "Older Posts" at bottom right.} On this blog I share with family and friends my daily thoughts, doings, what interests me, and--at times--tributes to my eternal sweetheart, Walt, who graduated to heaven on 8-21-2020.

Dedicated to our seven children--Janie, Gary, Steve, David, Julie, Brian, Jen, their spouses, our 39 grandchildren, 9 spouses of g-c, 7 great-grandchildren, for a posterity of 67.

 JUNE 17-23,  2024
MONDAY, JUNE 17, 2024                           
Family is Everything...
Sunrise: 5:57 a.m. Sunset:  9:00 p.m. 
...This Monday 

Last week to compare...

*** *** ***

Happy Birthday to 

Seth and Sarah  4

*** *** ***
Orchid down to one...

MONDAY, JUNE 17, 2024

Family is Everything...

FHE at Withams

The Relief Society is starting

up a monthly family home evening.

Laura Eles, Second Counselor,

was in charge tonight.

23 were able to come...

Ales – Henry & Laura

Ballard – Mark & Tammy

Cannon – Heather

Culmone – Ken & Kris

Howell – Howard & Sharon

Johnson – Dave & Francine

Lauritzen - Brent & Annette

Lauritzen – Ken

Martin – Tris

Petersen - Eileen

Richardson – Carol

Skousen – Paul & Kathy

Spencer – Nelson

Turner – Hiroko

Witham – Clyde & Julia

*** *** ***

Getting names for the game.

A "Getting to Know You"

game had several questions...

Nelson, Heather, Mark, Howard

Sitting: Carol, Kathy, Paul

Standing: Brent, Ken.

Dave, Francine, Nelson

Francine, Nelson, Howard

Howard, Sharon, Laura, Henry

Laura, Henry, Clyde, Mark, Tammy

Mark, Tammy, Tris, Julia, 

Ken (barely shown), Kris

 Hiroko was able to come

for a short time.

Laura, Julia

Clyde, Ken, Annette

Annette, Eileen

A "Getting to Know You"

game had several questions...

"Speaks a second language"



“Never had a broken bone”

Mark, Eileen


“Birthday same month as you”

December – Mark, Ken L., Eileen

January – Clyde – Tammy


“Has a side hustle”

Ken C., Howard, Paul writes books


“Can do a cart wheel”

Ken C.


“Lived in a foreign country”

Kris, Nelson, Eileen,


“Knows how to knit”


 “Plays a musical instrument”

Tammy, Ken C. 

 “Is a vegan – vegetarian” No one in this group

So Laura changed it to:

“Been to Disney World”

 Can't remember if this was a

question, but it could have been:

“Ridden on a motorcycle”

Howard, Sharon, Dave, Francine

would have qualified.

It is so enjoyable to be together.

It is so enjoyable to be together.

The next FHE will be

at Paul & Kathy Skousen's home

Monday, July 29 - 7:00 p.m.


Then ending the summer

 FHE will be

at Mark & Tammy Ballard's home

on Monday, August 19.

 *** *** ***

 *** *** *** *** *** *** ***

TUESDAY, JUNE 18, 2024 

Family is Everything...

                            My large orchid 

ended it's blooming season today.

 I hope it blooms again soon.

 Another nice day...

almost "officially" summer.

Can't see much snow

on Mt. Timpanogos...

Family weddings, graduations,

and mission "farewells" on

my bulletin board.

 Family photos...

 Our home in Burley...

Lived in Burley 52 years.

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 2024  

      Family is Everything...
and so are friends...          
Lunch Bunch was at Summit Pizza --
new in Saratoga Springs 
11 could come

This is advertised as
"gourmet pizza."
It's the best pizza
I've ever had! 
 Kaye, Sharon,
Tammy, Kathie
Faye, Shauna, Sue
Sue, Linda H, Eileen
The 11 clockwise from
left: Annette, MaryAnn,
Kaye, Sharon, Tammy, 
Kathie, Faye, Shauna, 
Sue, Linda H, Eileen
You can see some better
with this bigger photo.
Annette, MaryAnn.
Getting ready to leave... 
The gals refill their
soda cups... 
Sue had to leave a little early, 
but here are the rest.
A closer view...
Vertical view...
 Not much longer will we have
any open fields along Redwood Road...
Trying to get a photo of the temple...
...but didn't get it...
So here's a photo of the 
temple I have...
 A nice last day of Spring...
*** *** ***
Our Wednesday night movie
was cancelled because
Gary is at a
Singles' Conference

Next week we are going
to watch
"South Pacific"
the new version...
So I watched the movie
Ron Howard has done :
"Jim Henson - Idea Man"

He was a genius of ideas...

THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 2024 
Family is Everything...
       First Day of Summer...
 The June solstice (summer solstice) in City of Saratoga Springs is at 2:50 pm on Thursday, June 20, 2024. In terms of daylight, this day is 5 hours, 46 minutes longer than the December solstice. In most locations north of the equator, the longest day of the year is around this date.

The earliest sunrise is on June 13. The latest sunset is on June 27.

*** *** *** *** *** *** ***                           Gary drove me to my eye appointment today.  We were right on time at 2:10, but

I didn't get taken back to the exam room until 3:03, which is unusual for them.

Nicole was the technician 
who helped me today.
I am so blessed. Dr. Goff said my
macular degeneration is stable.
I didn't need an eye injection today. 

My last eye injection was Sept 11, 2023 --

9 months ago.

My next appointment is in 4 months --

 Oct. 24, 2024. 

We peeked into David's office as we were leaving, and saw him in the back--between patients--so asked the gal at the front desk if we could go say "hello" to Dr. Petersen.

That was a fun serendipity to see him.  Isaac has an appointment to have his eye's checked next Tuesday by David--June 25.

I so appreciate Gary driving me there and back.

We did our traditional drive thru 
at Arctic Circle and were headed 
home at 4:15.
When we were in heavy traffic
on Redwood, Gary chanced
heading back east on
2100 N and then south
on 2300 West.
The light traffic there
saved us a lot of time
getting the rest
of the way home by 5:45...
So Gary could get to his
Singles' Conference Fireside
in Orem by 7:00 p.m.
*** *** *** *** *** *** ***
Steve is flying to Hawaii...
2:15 p.m. today.
5 1/2 hour flight...
Hawaii is 4 hours behind our time.
So Steve will land there
at about 4:30 or 5:00 their time.
(8:30 or 9:00 our time.)
Steve texted at 2:25 p.m.
"Boarding flight in San Francisco on way to

Hawaii to see Kimble and Maddie, and their

golden retriever Shmoo.

Firepit tonight near the ocean."

FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 2024                                      Family is Everything...                                                            Julie's face book post today:                                            "I’m in all my feels. Riggy got his very own library card.  He said he felt excited and nervous.                                   It’s a big responsibility after all!"

*** *** ***

*** *** ***  
SATURDAY,  JUNE 22, 2024
Family is Everything...
                         I watched a great podcast
"Scripture Central"
done by
 John Welch and Lynn Wilson.
John Welch* is the one who
discovered the Hebrew style
of writing in the Book of Mormon
called "chiasmus." 

 The podcast was
Alma 17-22 which includes
a list of characteristics
of what a great missionary
should be. 
Called to Serve...
I'm going to recommend it
to our grandson, 
Elder Samuel Black Petersen
who begins his 
Maryland Baltimore Mission -- 
Spanish speaking 
on July 29.
His Farewell Address will be
Sunday, June 30, 2024
at 10:30
Boulter Chapel
Draper, Utah.
*Dr. Sutton was a close friend
of Walt's in Burley. They took
each other's OB call when
either was out of town.
John Welch is married to
Dr. Sutton's daughter,
Jeanie Sutton.
*** *** ***
Steve in Hawaii with
Kimble & Maddie
Kimble, Maddie, Steve
and friend on beach.
Kimble & Maddie
*** *** ***

                      SUNDAY,  JUNE 23, 2024

Family is Everything...
Happy 30th Birthday, Kelly
Daniel & Kelly - 2013
Daniel & Kelly - 2013
Looking back ten years to
your 20th birthday...
in San Salvador, El Salvador...
Daniel & Kelly - 2014 - 20th Birthday           in San Salvador
Daniel & Kelly - 2014 - 20th Birthday           in San Salvador
Daniel & Kelly - 2014 - 20th Birthday 
Daniel & Kelly - 2014 - 20th Birthday
with Herbert y Daniela
and Grampa 'n Grama Petersen
Kelly & Daniel- 20th Birthday
Daniel & Kelly - 2014
The Castillos had a dancer put on
Kelly's birthday cake.
Kelly & Daniel with
Daniela y Herbert -
for Kelly's  20th Birthday
Daniel & Kelly - 2014 - 20th birthday
Kelly & Daniel, you were always so
helpful in the apartment...
           Good friends -- 
Herbert y Daniela Castillo y sons  - 2022
Kelly, we hope you are having a 
wonderful 30th birthday today.
*** *** ***
Saratoga Springs 3rd Ward
Rachel Green gave a report of her
Chili Concepcion Mission.
Bishop Cheney congratulates her.
Hermana Green with her plaque...
She gave a very nice mission report.
 Laura welcomed the sisters
to Relief Society...
Madelaine taught today from 
President Eyring's Conference talk: 
She challenged us to look every day for how the pattern of our life focuses on the temple.

 Thank you, Sharon, for taking
my Church photo today.
...and for giving me a ride home,
then going back to get my shoe that
fell off in the parking lot
when I was getting in the
car but I didn't realize it till
I was getting out at home.
You are a true friend!
And it was a hit day!
Thanks, John, for a delicious
Sunday dinner.
                            *** *** ***
Steve's last day in Hawaii...
...with Kimble & Maddie, and friends...
Precious time with family!
Steve's plane gets to the Salt Lake
Airport at midnight tonight.
At the end of this June 23rd,

I pray you have had a

restful , peaceful, and spiritual

Sabbath Day...

I share these truths as my testimony to you...

Heavenly Father lives and knows us each by name. He loves us and wants us to return to Him and Heavenly Mother when we leave this mortal existence.  
He loves us just 
as we are at this very moment. 
He knows what our potential is.
*** *** ***
Jesus Christ came to earth as The Only Begotten of the Father and fulfilled the Atonement. He is the Redeemer of all.
*** *** ***
I am thankful for the guidance of the Holy Ghost as the third member of the Godhead. 
Walt said to me once: "I look forward to thanking the Holy Ghost in person when I get to Heaven. I don't think we give Him enough credit for all He does."

***  *** *** *** ***
Joseph Smith was foreordained to be the Prophet of the Restoration.  He is the Restorer of all things.
*** *** ***
President Russell M. Nelson is the Living Prophet today for all the world. 
*** *** ***
The Bible is "the Word of God as far as it is translated correctly" and is a Testament of the Divinity of Jesus Christ.
*** *** ***
The Book of Mormon is the Word of God and is Another Testament of Jesus Christ. It is the most correct book of any book on earth.
*** *** ***
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the True Church on the earth today.  Because of the restored Temple Ordinances families can be sealed for eternity.

*** *** ***
Of these truths I testify in the Name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Eileen Petersen
June 23, 2024

Next week  June 24-30, 2024

June 24, 2022 has a photos for each year of Janie's

life Born to Age 8...then Age 18 to marriage

xxx xxx xxx

TRACES OF TIME . . .                           {Last week: Scroll to end and click "Older Posts" at bottom right.} On this blog I share with family and friends my daily thoughts, doings, what interests me, and--at times--tributes to my eternal sweetheart, Walt, who graduated to heaven on 8-21-2020.

Dedicated to our seven children--Janie, Gary, Steve, David, Julie, Brian, Jen, their spouses, our 39 grandchildren, 9 spouses of g-c, 7 great-grandchildren, for a posterity of 67.

 JUNE 24-30,  2024
MONDAY, JUNE 24, 2024                           
Family is Everything...
Sunrise: 5: a.m. Sunset:  9: p.m. 
...This Monday 

Last week to compare...

Happy Birthday, Janie

*** *** ***

*** *** ***
TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 2024 

Family is Everything...


WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 2024  
      Family is Everything...                                               

Lunch Bunch was at 

__ could come

THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 2024 
Family is Everything...


FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 2024                            Family is Everything...

SATURDAY,  JUNE 29, 2024
Family is Everything...

SUNDAY,  JUNE 30, 2024
Family is Everything...
             Saratoga Springs 3rd Ward

At the end of this June 30th,

I pray you have had a

restful , peaceful, and spiritual

Sabbath Day...

I share these truths as my testimony to you...

Heavenly Father lives and knows us each by name. He loves us and wants us to return to Him and Heavenly Mother when we leave this mortal existence.  
He loves us just 
as we are at this very moment. 
He knows what our potential is.
*** *** ***
Jesus Christ came to earth as The Only Begotten of the Father and fulfilled the Atonement. He is the Redeemer of all.
*** *** ***
I am thankful for the guidance of the Holy Ghost as the third member of the Godhead. 
Walt said to me once: "I look forward to thanking the Holy Ghost in person when I get to Heaven. I don't think we give Him enough credit for all He does."

***  *** *** *** ***
Joseph Smith was foreordained to be the Prophet of the Restoration.  He is the Restorer of all things.
*** *** ***
President Russell M. Nelson is the Living Prophet today for all the world. 
*** *** ***
The Bible is "the Word of God as far as it is translated correctly" and is a Testament of the Divinity of Jesus Christ.
*** *** ***
The Book of Mormon is the Word of God and is Another Testament of Jesus Christ. It is the most correct book of any book on earth.
*** *** ***
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the True Church on the earth today.  Because of the restored Temple Ordinances families can be sealed for eternity.

*** *** ***
Of these truths I testify in the Name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Eileen Petersen
June 30, 2024

xxx xxx xxx
Next week  July 1-7, 2024

Fourth of July - WEPR JULY 5-7, 2024

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