Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Traces of Time... June 24-30, 2024

 TRACES OF TIME . . .                           {Last week: Scroll to end and click "Older Posts" at bottom right.} On this blog I share with family and friends my daily thoughts, doings, what interests me, and--at times--tributes to my eternal sweetheart, Walt, who graduated to heaven on 8-21-2020.

Dedicated to our seven children--Janie, Gary, Steve, David, Julie, Brian, Jen, their spouses, our 39 grandchildren, 9 spouses of g-c, 7 great-grandchildren, for a posterity of 67. 

 JUNE 24-30,  2024
MONDAY, JUNE 24, 2024                           
Family is Everything...
Sunrise: 5:58 a.m. Sunset:  9:01 p.m. 
...This Monday 

*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
Happy Birthday, Janie

Today is Janie's birthday...

She was born with red hair

like her Aunt Phyllis

Janie's birthday...

At about 3 months her hair came

out. When it grew back in,

it was blond.

Age 1 and one half she

got to go to Hawaii and

meet her Dad's Coast Guard 

ship "Chatauqua" come in.

Janie's birthday...
Ages 2 and 3 she lived
in Talihina, Oklahoma.
Janie's birthday...
Age 3 she moved to
'Burley, Idaho.
Janie's birthday...
Age 4. still in Burley
Janie's birthday...
Age 6, still in Burley
Janie's birthday...
Age 18, still in Burley.
Burley High School
Class of 1981
She was at BYU 1981-82,
Sophomore 1982-83.
That summer she did a
study-abroad semester
in England, ending in Paris.
BYU Junior 1983-1984.
Mission Argentina Rosario
August 1984-February 1986.
Winter Semester BYU 1986
Married Shawn Fisher Oct 1986

(I need your wedding photo.)

Both students at BYU
Graduated BYU in 1988.
They moved to Champaign, Illinois,
in Sept 1991.
Moved to Rexburg, Idaho Aug 1996.
They have lived in Rexburg for
26 years. 
Along the way she has had
seven wonderful children...

Aimee, Daniel, Katie, Heidi,

Sam, Ashley, Michael.

...and 6 great spouses of
their children - 
Michael, Kelly, Parker,
Pono, Sara, Josh...

Michael & Aimee - 2011
Michael & Aimee
with Fishers and Mechams
Kelly & Daniel - 2013
Reception in Boston
with Bakers and Fishers
Parker  & Katie- 2014
With 8 grandparents -
Andersons, Nebekers,
Fishers, Petersens.
Pono & Heidi - 2020

Sara & Sam - 2020

Josh & Ashley - 2022

Family - 2019
precious grandchildren...
Taitum - 1st g-c - 2016
Diesel - 2nd g-c - 2018
and new sister,
Scottie Marie, 4th g-c 
June 2022.
Umi - 2022
3rd g-c
Umi's Blessing Day in Rexburg,
April 17, 2022
Maeve - 2022
5th g-c
Ahi'a - 2024
6th g-c
...and grandchild #7 is
due in December 2024.
She will be a little sister
to Maeve.
*** *** ***
Janie & Shawn
Aimee & Michael
Daniel & Kelly,
Maeve and baby due in Dec.
Katie & Parker, 
Taitum, Diesel, Scottie.
Ashley & Pono,
Umi and Ahi'a.
Sam & Sara.
Ashley & Josh.

Happy Birthday, Janie.
Love from Mom.
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
*** *** ***
*** *** ***

TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 2024 

Family is Everything...



WEPR - 2019

Gary & Isaac planned

a really fun reunion...

"Around the World"

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 2024  

      Family is Everything...
...and so are friends!
   Lunch Bunch was at Zupas
9 could come...
From bottom left:
Kathie, Sharon, SuzAnne,
Eileen, Shauna, MaryAnn,
Kaye, Linda H, Carol.

Carol, Kathie, 
Sharon, SuzAnne.
Shauna, MaryAnn, Kaye,
Linda H, Carol.
 Eileen, Shauna.
"Always Living...

"...The Good Life"

A missionary took this photo for us.

We always miss those who can't come.

We will gather at Annette's back Yard

next Wednesday, July 3.

Can see some of us better...
A vertical view.
Thank you, Elder.
***  *** *** *** *** ***
The drive home...
Soon these will not be open fields...

I can never get a good photo of the sheep...
And the temple doesn't show up
from this far.
*** *** *** *** *** *** ***
  For movie night with Gary
we were going to watch
"South Pacific" from 2001
However, Gary had a bunch of 
reports due for tomorrow, so 
he had to stay home to
get them finished.
The end of the month is
always hectic for him.

Anyway, I couldn't find this
2001 Movie made for TV online.
So we probably won't get
to watch it.
*** *** *** *** *** *** ***
THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 2024 
Family is Everything...
Happy Anniversary,
David & Julie

*** *** *** *** *** *** ***
         Jackson 'n Riggy 'n Max
hangin' out...
Door Dash delivered
Jacee & Riggy took
supper to Jackson at the
Ice Shack.
Then Jacee and Riggy went
to the theatre in Am. Fork
to see 
"Inside Out 2"
They liked it.
*** *** *** *** *** *** ***

A Russian historian visited the US studying the history of great Americans and American institutions.

One journalist asked him: “In your study of great Americans…which of them do you consider to be the greatest?”

He answered, “You have only had one truly great American, one man who gave to the world ideas that could change the whole destiny of the human race—Joseph Smith, the Mormon prophet.”

Leo Tolstoy, the Russian historian, later reported:

“The Mormon people teach the American religion; their principles teach the people not only of Heaven and its attendant glories, but how to live so that their social and economic relations with each other are placed on a sound basis. If the people follow the teachings of this Church, nothing can stop their progress—it will be limitless. There have been great movements started in the past but they have died or been modified before they reached maturity. If Mormonism is able to endure, unmodified, until it reaches the third and fourth generation, it is destined to become the greatest power the world has ever known.”

FRIDAY, JUNE 28, 2024                              

 Family is Everything...

A nice summer day

SATURDAY,  JUNE 29, 2024
Family is Everything...
Our Trekker's are back home...
3:23 p.m.
Gear of the trekkers...
Trekkers pickin' up their gear...

SUNDAY,  JUNE 30, 2024
Family is Everything...
Today: Mission Address day for 
Elder Samuel Black Petersen...
Elder Samuel Black Petersen
Mission Address by 
Elder Samuel Black Petersen...

Happy Mother--Julie...
...and brother Will

SUNDAY,  JUNE 30, 2024
Family is Everything...
Today: Mission Address day for 
Elder Samuel Black Petersen...

Aunt Julie Beth's post on face book:

This kid. He’s going to be one heckuva missionary. Laughter through tears-my favorite emotion. And boy did I laugh and cry at that farewell!!!! From the kiss comment to the family section. Love you so much Sammy! Go change the world!!! 🥰

Aunt JulieBeth

You may not have fed the 5,000 today...but you did feed over 200 family and friends!
What a wonderful gathering to enjoy this delicious food.
You are carrying on the great traditions of Brent & Sally, Walt & Eileen.
   Thank you.

Elder Samuel Black Petersen, it has been a very good day to be with you!
Our prayers are with you as you dedicate two years of your life to serve the Lord as a full-time missionary.

             Saratoga Springs 3rd Ward

At the end of this June 30th,

I pray you have had a

restful , peaceful, and spiritual

Sabbath Day...

I share these truths as my testimony to you...

Heavenly Father lives and knows us each by name. He loves us and wants us to return to Him and Heavenly Mother when we leave this mortal existence.  
He loves us just 
as we are at this very moment. 
He knows what our potential is.
*** *** ***
Jesus Christ came to earth as The Only Begotten of the Father and fulfilled the Atonement. He is the Redeemer of all.
*** *** ***
I am thankful for the guidance of the Holy Ghost as the third member of the Godhead. 
Walt said to me once: "I look forward to thanking the Holy Ghost in person when I get to Heaven. I don't think we give Him enough credit for all He does."

***  *** *** *** ***
Joseph Smith was foreordained to be the Prophet of the Restoration.  He is the Restorer of all things.
*** *** ***
President Russell M. Nelson is the Living Prophet today for all the world. 
*** *** ***
The Bible is "the Word of God as far as it is translated correctly" and is a Testament of the Divinity of Jesus Christ.
*** *** ***
The Book of Mormon is the Word of God and is Another Testament of Jesus Christ. It is the most correct book of any book on earth.
*** *** ***
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the True Church on the earth today.  Because of the restored Temple Ordinances families can be sealed for eternity.

*** *** ***
Of these truths I testify in the Name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Eileen Petersen
June 30, 2024
   With my grandson,
       Elder Samuel Black Petersen
        who is going to serve in the
         Maryland Baltimore Mission
         Spanish Speaking
         July 29, 2024--July 2026

Next week  July 1-7, 2024

Fourth of July - WEPR JULY 5-7, 2024

xxx xxx xxx

TRACES OF TIME . . .                           {Last week: Scroll to end and click "Older Posts" at bottom right.} 

 "Time moves slowly, but passes quickly.                               The Color Purple” by Alice Walker, 1982

"The magical, supernatural force 
that is with us every second is time.
We can't even comprehend it.

 It's such an illusion, 

it's such a strange thing."

— Anthony Hopkins 

 Note from Eileen: You will notice I call                              my blog: "Traces of Time..."

On this blog I share with family and friends my daily thoughts, doings, what interests me, and--at times--tributes to my eternal sweetheart, Walt, who graduated to heaven on 8-21-2020.

Dedicated to our seven children--Janie, Gary, Steve, David, Julie, Brian, Jen, their spouses, our 39 grandchildren, 9 spouses of g-c, 7 great-grandchildren, for a posterity of 67.

 JULY 1-7,  2024

MONDAY, JULY 1, 2024                           
Family is Everything...
Sunrise: 5: a.m. Sunset:  9: p.m. 
Sunday night... 
...to Monday noon, several changes
for the same week ahead.

    Last week to compare...

*** *** ***

*** *** ***
TUESDAY, JULY 2, 2024 

Family is Everything...

 MaryAnn Mardesich was sealed to

her husband, Joe, today.

They are Eternal Sweethearts now.


      Family is Everything...                                               

Lunch Bunch was at 

__ could come

Family is Everything...


FRIDAY, JULY 5, 2024
                            Family is Everything...

SATURDAY,  JUly 6, 2024
Family is Everything...

SUNDAY,  JULY 7, 2024
Family is Everything...
             Saratoga Springs 3rd Ward

At the end of this July 7th,

I pray you have had a

restful , peaceful, and spiritual

Sabbath Day...

I share these truths as my testimony to you...

Heavenly Father lives and knows us each by name. He loves us and wants us to return to Him and Heavenly Mother when we leave this mortal existence.  
He loves us just 
as we are at this very moment. 
He knows what our potential is.
*** *** ***
Jesus Christ came to earth as The Only Begotten of the Father and fulfilled the Atonement. He is the Redeemer of all.
*** *** ***
I am thankful for the guidance of the Holy Ghost as the third member of the Godhead. 
Walt said to me once: "I look forward to thanking the Holy Ghost in person when I get to Heaven. I don't think we give Him enough credit for all He does."

***  *** *** *** ***
Joseph Smith was foreordained to be the Prophet of the Restoration.  He is the Restorer of all things.
*** *** ***
President Russell M. Nelson is the Living Prophet today for all the world. 
*** *** ***
The Bible is "the Word of God as far as it is translated correctly" and is a Testament of the Divinity of Jesus Christ.
*** *** ***
The Book of Mormon is the Word of God and is Another Testament of Jesus Christ. It is the most correct book of any book on earth.
*** *** ***
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the True Church on the earth today.  Because of the restored Temple Ordinances families can be sealed for eternity.

*** *** ***
Of these truths I testify in the Name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Eileen Petersen
July 7, 2024

Next week  July 8-14, 2024

*** *** *** *** *** *** ***

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