- TRACES OF TIME . . . {To see last week: Scroll to end and click "Older Posts" at bottom right.}
Every 90 days my podiatristchecks my feet becauseof diabetes.Dr. Scott Rogers officeis now on the third floor in the newmedical buildingon the east sideof Redwood Roadat Pioneer Crossing.
I take a selfie tolet my kids knowwhere I am.morning, so Elli, his nurse practitoner,checked my feet after thegal trimmed my toe nails.She was excellent~! Next to the Foot and Ankle Institutean Orthodontist's office justopen area was just brought in.
It is a great blessing to havemy doctor's office so close.My dermatologist, Dr. Jordan Harris,has his office on thesecond floor.I got my hearing aids cleanedat Costco after this, andgot some things I needed.
TUESDAY, APRIL 12, 2021 Family is Everything... Today Sunrise: 6:51 a.m. Sunset: 8:04 p.m
Utah, due to supply chain delays,
February snow has just been delivered.
sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.
Here is Saratoga Springs
at sunrise this morning.
Institute: The Parable of the Lost Sheep
"Rejoice...I have found...that which was lost." Like 15:1-10If a sheep ends up on itsback, it cannot get up by itself.Many miss the mark...Camie had Steve try tohit the mark.The first time he wastoo far right, thesecond one fell underthe target, but thethird one hit dead center!"Is it possible that Jesus'spurpose...was to teachabout the work ofthe Good Shepherd."The sheep is worthy ofdivine rescue simplybecause it is lovedby theGOOD SHEPHERD."Elder UchtdorfGetting ready to take aphoto of Steve by thetarget he hit dead center.Steve is the one whodidn't look past the mark,showing us to not missthe mark of the true Savior.Bob and Hirokowith Camie.It's nice to talk to eachother after class.Marlene and Eileen
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13, 2022Family is Everything...
Ladies' Lunch was atK-88 today. Sharon, Kathie, Eileen*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
Our Wednesday nightmovie tonight is"April Morning"
April Morning - 1988 Tommy Lee JonesApril in Paris - 1952 Doris Day, Ray Bolger
Others:Enchanted April - 1935 Ann HardingEaster Parade - 1948 Judy Garland, Fred Astaire*** *** *** *** *** *** *** Janie posted this tonight:
Here is a post from Josh’s father.
A good explanation for you
who have asked about his current
condition. I’m here in California with Ash
for a few days to support her as she
supports Josh. I was able to visit with
him for awhile this afternoon. Ashley
spends all day with him in the ICU. She is
being trained as an LVAD care giver to
help with his post operative care when
he is able to return home.
Janie is in Santa Clara,
California with Ashley.
Face book post
Kalake Fonua, the father of
Dear family
and friends, on behalf of our son
Joshua Teiko Fonua and our entire
we want to thank you for your love,
support, and
prayers. Thus far, he is
somewhat stable overall,
but his heart
continues to function at
a level that is far below the healthy
He is scheduled for surgery this Friday.
[April 15].
A left
ventricular assist device (LVAD)
is a pump that is used for patients
have reached end-stage heart failure.
Doctors will
surgically implant the LVAD,
a battery-operated, mechanical
which then helps the left ventricle
(main pumping
chamber of the heart)
pump blood to the rest of the
At the end of this procedure, doctors will
monitor his
heart condition and progress
for a while before determining
what the
next step will be. We visited with Josh
this afternoon
and he continues to be
positive and confident of the
which lie ahead.
Josh is in our prayers.
Ashley with Josha week ago.
Ashley with Josh a while ago.**************************************************************************************************************************************************************
President Russell M. Nelson smiles at his office in the Church
Administration Building in Salt Lake City on April 13, 2022.
President Russell M. Nelson is now the oldest
President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Marion Nelson was born September 9, 1924, in Salt Lake City, the son of Marion
C. and Edna Anderson Nelson. On Thursday, April 14, 2022, President Nelson is
97 years, seven months and six days old — surpassing President Gordon B. Hinckley, who died on January
27, 2008, at the age of 97 years, seven months and five days.
Nelson was set apart as the 17th President of the Church on January 14, 2018,
after serving 34 years in the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. In addition to his
service as an Apostle, President Nelson is known for his long and esteemed
medical career.
Nelson is only the second prophet — the first being Joseph Fielding Smith — to be called as
President of the Church while over the age of 90.
and ordained an Apostle in April 1984, President Nelson visited 133 countries —
dedicating 31 of those countries — during his 34 years as a member of the
Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. He was president of that quorum from July 2015
until becoming Church President, and he served as chairman of each of the
Church’s three governing committees — the Missionary Executive Council, the
Temple and Family History Executive Council and the Priesthood and Family Executive
married Dantzel White in 1945; they are the parents of 10 children. She passed
away in 2005, just shy of their 60th wedding anniversary. In 2006, he married
Wendy L. Watson, who has been at his side since in his ministries as Apostle
and then Church President.
first in his class from medical school at age 22, he received doctoral degrees
from the University of Utah and University of Minnesota. A cardiothoracic
surgeon, he helped pioneer the development of the artificial heart-lung machine,
a means of supporting a patient’s circulation during open-heart surgery.
During a 2019 event marking President Nelson’s 95th birthday,
he shared his testimony of Jesus Christ and his restored Church.
“If I
have learned anything certain in [my life], it’s that Jesus the Christ is the
Son of God. His Church has been restored in these latter-days to prepare the
world for His Second Coming.” —President Russell M. Nelson
I have learned anything certain in [my life], it’s that Jesus the Christ is the
Son of God. His Church has been restored in these latter-days to prepare the
world for His Second Coming,” President Nelson said. “He is the light and life
of the world. Only through Him can we reach our divine destiny and eventual
during the event, others shared insights into his life, ministry and service.
of the things that I admire about President Nelson is the way he unifies people
of different points of view and different levels of experience and maturity,”
said President Dallin H. Oaks of the First Presidency. “He
just brings differing points of view and different individuals into harmony and
does so in a gentle and loving and effective manner.”
has more love for people, I think, than almost anybody I’ve ever been around in
my life,” reflected President Henry B. Eyring of the First Presidency. “He
not only loves us; he sees the best in us. … He sees good in people to a degree
that’s really quite remarkable.”
loves people. He likes little people, and he likes old people, and that makes
it possible for him to be a prophet to all the people,” said President M.
Russell Ballard, Acting President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.
I lock arms with President Nelson, not as black and white, not as Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints or Baptist, but as children of God who are
about loving everybody whom we have the occasion to minister to,” said Rev.
Amos Brown, a Baptist pastor and NAACP leader.
word ‘father,’ to my dad … is his highest calling. He oftentimes has said ‘there
are 12 apostles, but you only have one daddy,’ and he takes that responsibility
very seriously. He has never made us feel like he was too busy to be our
father,” said President Nelson’s daughter, Rosalie Ringwood.
of my favorite things about being President Nelson’s grandson is that I get to
see him in constant motion, he is always moving, he has endless energy, but he
always has time to pull us aside individually and see how we are doing,” said
Matthew Maxfield.
THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 2022 Family is Everything... Holy Week...
Daily Scripture: For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth. - Job 19:25
Daily Quote: Through tears and trials, through fears and sorrows, through the heartache and loneliness of losing loved ones, there is assurance that life is everlasting. Our Lord and Savior is the living witness that such is so. - Thomas S. Monson
Utah, due to supply chain delays,
February snow has just been delivered.
sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.
Here is Saratoga Springs
at sunrise this morning.
Dear family and friends, on behalf of our son
Joshua Teiko Fonua and our entire family,
we want to thank you for your love,
support, and prayers. Thus far, he is
somewhat stable overall,
but his heart continues to function at
a level that is far below the healthy average.
He is scheduled for surgery this Friday.
[April 15].
A left ventricular assist device (LVAD)
is a pump that is used for patients who
have reached end-stage heart failure.
Doctors will surgically implant the LVAD,
a battery-operated, mechanical pump,
which then helps the left ventricle
(main pumping chamber of the heart)
pump blood to the rest of the body.
At the end of this procedure, doctors will
monitor his heart condition and progress
for a while before determining what the
next step will be. We visited with Josh
this afternoon and he continues to be
positive and confident of the outcomes
which lie ahead.
President Russell M. Nelson smiles at his office in the Church
Administration Building in Salt Lake City on April 13, 2022. |
President Russell M. Nelson is now the oldest
President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Marion Nelson was born September 9, 1924, in Salt Lake City, the son of Marion
C. and Edna Anderson Nelson. On Thursday, April 14, 2022, President Nelson is
97 years, seven months and six days old — surpassing President Gordon B. Hinckley, who died on January
27, 2008, at the age of 97 years, seven months and five days.
Nelson was set apart as the 17th President of the Church on January 14, 2018,
after serving 34 years in the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. In addition to his
service as an Apostle, President Nelson is known for his long and esteemed
medical career.
Nelson is only the second prophet — the first being Joseph Fielding Smith — to be called as
President of the Church while over the age of 90.
and ordained an Apostle in April 1984, President Nelson visited 133 countries —
dedicating 31 of those countries — during his 34 years as a member of the
Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. He was president of that quorum from July 2015
until becoming Church President, and he served as chairman of each of the
Church’s three governing committees — the Missionary Executive Council, the
Temple and Family History Executive Council and the Priesthood and Family Executive
married Dantzel White in 1945; they are the parents of 10 children. She passed
away in 2005, just shy of their 60th wedding anniversary. In 2006, he married
Wendy L. Watson, who has been at his side since in his ministries as Apostle
and then Church President.
first in his class from medical school at age 22, he received doctoral degrees
from the University of Utah and University of Minnesota. A cardiothoracic
surgeon, he helped pioneer the development of the artificial heart-lung machine,
a means of supporting a patient’s circulation during open-heart surgery.
During a 2019 event marking President Nelson’s 95th birthday,
he shared his testimony of Jesus Christ and his restored Church.
“If I
have learned anything certain in [my life], it’s that Jesus the Christ is the
Son of God. His Church has been restored in these latter-days to prepare the
world for His Second Coming.” —President Russell M. Nelson
I have learned anything certain in [my life], it’s that Jesus the Christ is the
Son of God. His Church has been restored in these latter-days to prepare the
world for His Second Coming,” President Nelson said. “He is the light and life
of the world. Only through Him can we reach our divine destiny and eventual
during the event, others shared insights into his life, ministry and service.
of the things that I admire about President Nelson is the way he unifies people
of different points of view and different levels of experience and maturity,”
said President Dallin H. Oaks of the First Presidency. “He
just brings differing points of view and different individuals into harmony and
does so in a gentle and loving and effective manner.”
has more love for people, I think, than almost anybody I’ve ever been around in
my life,” reflected President Henry B. Eyring of the First Presidency. “He
not only loves us; he sees the best in us. … He sees good in people to a degree
that’s really quite remarkable.”
loves people. He likes little people, and he likes old people, and that makes
it possible for him to be a prophet to all the people,” said President M.
Russell Ballard, Acting President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.
I lock arms with President Nelson, not as black and white, not as Church of
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints or Baptist, but as children of God who are
about loving everybody whom we have the occasion to minister to,” said Rev.
Amos Brown, a Baptist pastor and NAACP leader.
word ‘father,’ to my dad … is his highest calling. He oftentimes has said ‘there
are 12 apostles, but you only have one daddy,’ and he takes that responsibility
very seriously. He has never made us feel like he was too busy to be our
father,” said President Nelson’s daughter, Rosalie Ringwood.
of my favorite things about being President Nelson’s grandson is that I get to
see him in constant motion, he is always moving, he has endless energy, but he
always has time to pull us aside individually and see how we are doing,” said
Matthew Maxfield.
Daily Scripture: For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth. - Job 19:25 |
Daily Quote: Through tears and trials, through fears and sorrows, through the heartache and loneliness of losing loved ones, there is assurance that life is everlasting. Our Lord and Savior is the living witness that such is so. - Thomas S. Monson |
FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 2022
Family is Everything... Some in our family are going throughsome Abrahamic testsright now.Makes us even morethankful for ourSavior and Redeemer,Jesus Christ, andwhat He went through.
Good FridayDaily Scripture: And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? - Matthew 27:46
Daily Quote: This was the cross, the instrument of his torture, the terrible device designed to destroy the Man of Peace, the evil recompense for his miraculous work of healing the sick, of causing the blind to see, of raising the dead. This was the cross on which he hung and died on Golgotha’s lonely summit. We cannot forget that. We must never forget it, for here our Savior, our Redeemer, the Son of God, gave himself a vicarious sacrifice for each of us. - Gordon B. Hinckley
Today leaving at 1:30for Burley, Idaho for Viewing for our dearfriend and neighborRuth Melling.
Ruth Olsen Melling
May 13, 1937 - Mar. 16, 2022
Date of Service: Apr. 16, 2022
Ruth Olsen Melling
BURLEY – “Oh, crumb!” We lost a good one. But our loss is heaven’s gain. Ruth
Olsen Melling, passed peacefully at the age of 84, on March 16, 2022, with her
daughters at her side.
Born in Preston, Idaho, on May 13, 1937, Ruth was the eighth of nine children
born to Dewey and Louise Olsen. Her parents were loving and kind and taught her
the gospel of Jesus Christ by word and example. Being from a musical family,
she enjoyed singing in school musicals and plays and forever loved and
appreciated music.
Ruth worked at the library and telephone company to help put herself through
college, where she studied hard, participated in the Sponsor Corp, and was
chosen as the Delta Phi Dream Girl. There she also met Don Ray Melling. They
were married August 5, 1960, in the Logan Utah Temple. Ruth graduated from Utah
State University after studying early child development in preparation to teach
elementary school. Don and Ruth moved to Boulder City, Nevada where they both
taught school. Ruth taught various grades, later helping to put Don through
Dental School in Iowa and supporting the family in the early years of building
Don’s dental practice when they moved to Burley, Idaho in 1972.
In Burley, Ruth was involved in the community and her kids’ activities. An avid
supporter of her six children, Ruth spent countless hours encouraging their
musical efforts, supporting dance and cheerleading, and rooting from the
bleachers, as well as giving her legendary lectures about life lessons and
gospel principles. She was a great cook and ardent canner, producing beautiful
jars of peaches, raspberries, pears, and more (blue ribbon winners at the
Cassia County Fair)! Ruth tirelessly and generously prepared homemade meals for
her family and anyone in need.
As a lifelong member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Ruth
served valiantly and cheerfully in many capacities. Her favorite was serving
the women in the Relief Society and teaching the importance of family and
following the Savior. She was known as a devoted visiting teacher and spent
thousands of hours ministering to and serving others.
Ruth and Don served an 18-month proselyting and temple mission to Birmingham,
England. They also enjoyed serving together in the Twin Falls Temple. Ruth
continued to serve in the temple for years after Don passed away. Ruth devoted
her life to the Lord and her family. She was a spiritual giant and has left a
legacy of faith in Christ.
Ruth is survived by her six children, Kaye (Brady) Benham of St. George, Utah,
David (Kim) Melling of Spanish Fork, Utah, Scott (Kristen) Melling of Columbus,
Georgia, Kirt (Lezlie) Melling of Lehi, Utah, JaNaé (Steve) Black of Hockwold,
England, and John (Marielle) Melling of Roseburg, Oregon; 31 grandchildren; 16
great-grandchildren; siblings, James Olsen, Beth Olson, Barbara Vaterlaus, and
John (Suzie) Olsen; and brother-in-law, Ferrol Simpson.
Ruth was preceded in death by her parents; husband, Don Ray [August 3, 2015]; siblings, Lynn
(Beth) Olsen, Mary (Wendell) Stander, Kathryn Simpson, and Richard (Diane)
Olsen; sister-in-law, Phyllis Olsen; brothers-in-law, Kirt Olson and Dean
Vaterlaus; and great-grandson, Lennox Allen.
The funeral will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday, April 16, at the Burley LDS 3rd and
7th Ward Church, 2200 Oakley Ave. in Burley, with Bishop Cade Jones
A graveside service will be held at 2 p.m. Monday, April 18, at the Cedar City
Cemetery in Cedar City, Utah.
Friends may call from 5 until 7 p.m. Friday, April 15, at the Rasmussen-Wilson
Funeral Home, 1350 E. 16th St. in Burley, and from 10 until 10:45 a.m. Saturday
at the church.
The family wishes to express appreciation to the Zions Way hospice workers and
Rasmussen-Wilson Funeral Home for their compassionate care. Additionally, they
convey heartfelt gratitude to the many neighbors and friends who have shown
love and compassion. In lieu of flowers, please anonymously do something kind
for a stranger (pay for the car behind you in the drive in), donate to your
favorite charity, or give to the next young man or young woman who asks you to
help with their fundraiser. When you do, think of our Mother and her life of
selfless service, kindness, and love.
A live webcast of the Funeral Service will be available and maintained at the
following link:This is the homeof Don and Ruth
at the cornerof 2400 andBurton Avenue.Tom and Irene Blayneyare south of them.Then it was our home.There family as we remember them when Mugs was born.
...a few years later.Table of remembrance...There were manybeautiful flowers.After the viewing weate at El Caporal.A lot of the Mellings ate there, too.This is a fun Mexicanrestaurant andvery popular. I am so thankfulto Gary, Steve and Nataliewho drove me toBurley, Idaho forthe viewing andfuneral of ourdear neighbor andfriend Ruth Olsen Melling.We stayed over nightat the new Holiday InnExpress that our friendshave just built. It'swhere the PonderosaInn used to be -- justoff Exit 208.
SATURDAY, APRIL 16, 2022 Family is E9ything... Today is the funeral forour long-timeneighbor and friendRuth Melling.
The Holiday Inn Expressin Burley servesa super hot breakfast.We had never seena pancake machine.Then we drove by ourhome of 47 years duringour 52 years inBurley. It did myheart good to seevarious size bikesin the driveway,along with abasketball hoop.A wonderful familywith four childrento leap frog thesetrees when theywere planted byRoss and Karen Taylor.I always love tosee Connie.
JaNaé has come from England,where Steve has been transferredin the Air Force for three years.Then he told me his time asa dentist with them will befinished.We were invited by thethe family to stay forneighbors Ken and Bonnie Fronk,Thank you friends forinviting us to your luncheon.
From there we drove to Wendell to see our headstone that was just installed in March.
I am so thankful for our granddaughter, Aimee, designing it for us.
I am so happy to have it in place to honor my eternal sweetheart--my husband, Walter Ray Petersen.

Here's the back.
Interwoven in the vine scroll on the backare ten things we loved in this life--
in addition to our family and friends--
that depicted our life:
Clockwise from upper right side...
1. Small airplane – Walt was a super pilot.
2. Typewriter – graduate of business college. I graduated from Henager's Business College before working a year as an
executive secretary at First Security Bank in Salt Lake City, then majored in businessfor two years at BYU in Provo.
3. Stethoscope – Walt family physician and surgeon 40 years. 4. My homemade apple pie (Our kids all said it was better than any other apple pie.)
5. Salt Lake Temple, married there June 14, 1961
Then going up from bottom left side: 6. Palm tree (We served 9 1/2 years together on missions in countries that had palm trees.)
7. Camera - I may have taken a few photos in my life.
8. Snow skis – Walt loved both snow and water skiing.
9. Basketball – Walt played till he was 70, his favorite sport
10. Scriptures – “Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me." --John 5: 39
From Wendell we drove toTremonton where we rendezvoused with Heidi.We had supper at theTremonton Bowling AlleyRestaurant.Gary and Steve may havemocked Natalie when shetold them it had great food.She was right~!Heidi drove me toRexburg for herbaby's blessingGary, Steve, andNatalie for driving me to these'taking care of me.I know Walt is verygrateful and proudof them.** *** *** *** *** *** ***
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
I am so thankfulto Gary, Steve and Nataliewho drove me toBurley, Idaho forthe viewing andfuneral of ourdear neighbor andfriendRuth Olsen Melling
SUNDAY, APRIL 17, 2022
Family is Everything...Family is Everything…
"He is risen as He said."
APRIL 17 IS WALT'SBIRTHDAYHere's Julie's post:
Dad, you were larger than life
but you were also just my dad.
I know I’m one of the lucky ones
to have had such a great influence
right in my home.
I’m so grateful
my children were able to live
with you two different times
in their lives.
I love and miss you very much.
Wishing you a
Happy Heavenly Birthday! 
*** *** *** *** *** *** ***
The Blessing Day of
Umi Kanoea
Started with aStrawberry-Whipped CreamSunday Breakfast
Pono gave his son amarvelous Father's Blessingand name...
‘Umialīloa Robin Hemelelōkahi
ʻUmialīloa - nick name will be Umi. “ Oume a leelow a “
He-mele-lo-kahi “ hay maylay low kaw he” song
of unity
Umi is an ancestral name. Second born and
illegitimate son of High Chief Līloa. Chief over the island of Hawaii. As
second born, ʻUmi was second in line to the throne. But unlike the high chiefs
first born, ʻUmi was kind and just. Following the death of Līloa and the
oppressive and unjust rule of the first born, ‘Umi led a rebellion against his
half brother. After overthrowing his brother, ‘Umi united the island of Hawaii
and ruled justly until his death.
Pono's full name is: Kūpono Andrew Naohueleelua
Makeau Kaneao
Heidi and Umi with Grama
Back home the Easter Bunnyhad come and hiddenEaster eggs while wewere at Church.Family photos before dinner...Great-Grama Eileen A. Petersen
EasterUmi is the third greatgrandbaby in our family.EasterEaster
Janie drove me to Maladwhere David rendezvousedwith us to drive me to Utah.*** *** *** *** *** *** *** Easter in Utahat David and Julie's homeEaster
Easter Sam madewith precious family milestones.
Gospel Doctrine lesson given inSaratoga Springs 3rd Ward todayby Clyde Witham aboutThe SaviorGospel
The Messiah of the Old Testament
Jesus Christ of the New Testament
17, 2022
During Easter, we celebrate the life and death of the Savior:
What has He done for you?
Under the Father’s direction, he created the earth
Jesus was resurrected, and by doing so, we will all be
resurrected also. What blessings does this give you in this life?
Through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, we may be forgiven
of all our sins and return to our Father in Heaven
Jesus Christ taught us the Gospel: the creation, the purpose of
life, agency and opposition, covenants and commandments, plan of happiness,
Because Jesus “suffered pains and afflictions and temptations of
every kind” he can take upon himself our pains and afflictions
The Old Testament Prophesies of Christ
The Old Testament is a scriptural work that reveals the Lord as
the Savior and Redeemer; Jehovah is the pre-mortal Jesus Christ
When Jesus Christ commanded, “Search the scriptures; … they are
they which testify of me” (John 5:39), He was referring to the Old Testament;
the Old Testament was his scripture
Forgiveness is a constant theme in the Old Testament, both in
doctrinal and prophetic writings, and in the lives of the people portrayed in
the various stories e.g. Micah 7:18-19
As we have seen so far in our study, the Old Testament is loaded
with symbols and types of Jesus Christ
Jehovah himself gave the Law of Moses to teach of his coming as
a Savior and Redeemer, e.g. Alma 34:14
George Fredrich Handel--The Messiah
Music is a special form of worship
Wrote The Messiah in 24 days
Presented in Dublin as a charity concert, not London to make
money; It was to be simple, a representation of the Lord’s simple birth
This simple masterpiece has endured for 281 years (written in
Mozart thought it too simple; he re-wrote it; his is almost
never performed
All the words are from the Old and New Testaments, most from
Tells of the prophecies, birth, atonement, resurrection, and
that he will reign as king
Prophecies of His Coming
- Isaiah 40:1-3, 4,
5 “Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith your God.
Every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill shall be made
low: and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough places plain:
And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh
shall see it together: for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it”.
- Isaiah 40:9 “O thou that tellest good tidings to
Zion, get thee up into the high mountain. O thou that tellest good tidings
to Jerusalem, lift up thy voice with strength; lift it up, be not afraid;
say unto the cities of Judah, behold your God!”
- Isaiah 60:1 “Arise, shine, for thy light is come, and
the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee”.
** *I am so thankful for The Plan of Salvation and the Atonement of Jesus Christ that makes this Great Plan operational.At the end of this April 17th,I pray you have had a
restful , peaceful, and spiritual
Sabbath Day...
I share these truths as my testimony to you...
Heavenly Father lives and knows us each by name. He loves us and wants us to return to Him and Heavenly Mother when we leave this mortal existence. He loves us just as we are at this very moment.Jesus Christ came to earth as The Only Begotten of the Father and fulfilled the Atonement. He is the Redeemer of all. *** *** ***Joseph Smith was foreordained to be the Prophet of the Restoration. He is the Restorer of all things.President Russell M. Nelson is the Living Prophet today for all the world. *** *** ***The Bible is "the Word of God as far as it is translated correctly" and is a Testament of the Divinity of Jesus Christ.*** *** ***
The Book of Mormon is the Word of God and is Another Testament of Jesus Christ. It is the most correct book of any book on earth.*** *** ***The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the True Church on the earth today. *** *** ***Of these truths I testify in the Name of Jesus Christ, amen.
Daily Scripture: And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? - Matthew 27:46 |
Daily Quote: This was the cross, the instrument of his torture, the terrible device designed to destroy the Man of Peace, the evil recompense for his miraculous work of healing the sick, of causing the blind to see, of raising the dead. This was the cross on which he hung and died on Golgotha’s lonely summit. We cannot forget that. We must never forget it, for here our Savior, our Redeemer, the Son of God, gave himself a vicarious sacrifice for each of us. - Gordon B. Hinckley |
Ruth Olsen Melling
May 13, 1937 - Mar. 16, 2022
Date of Service: Apr. 16, 2022
Ruth Olsen Melling
Born in Preston, Idaho, on May 13, 1937, Ruth was the eighth of nine children born to Dewey and Louise Olsen. Her parents were loving and kind and taught her the gospel of Jesus Christ by word and example. Being from a musical family, she enjoyed singing in school musicals and plays and forever loved and appreciated music.
Ruth worked at the library and telephone company to help put herself through college, where she studied hard, participated in the Sponsor Corp, and was chosen as the Delta Phi Dream Girl. There she also met Don Ray Melling. They were married August 5, 1960, in the Logan Utah Temple. Ruth graduated from Utah State University after studying early child development in preparation to teach elementary school. Don and Ruth moved to Boulder City, Nevada where they both taught school. Ruth taught various grades, later helping to put Don through Dental School in Iowa and supporting the family in the early years of building Don’s dental practice when they moved to Burley, Idaho in 1972.
In Burley, Ruth was involved in the community and her kids’ activities. An avid supporter of her six children, Ruth spent countless hours encouraging their musical efforts, supporting dance and cheerleading, and rooting from the bleachers, as well as giving her legendary lectures about life lessons and gospel principles. She was a great cook and ardent canner, producing beautiful jars of peaches, raspberries, pears, and more (blue ribbon winners at the Cassia County Fair)! Ruth tirelessly and generously prepared homemade meals for her family and anyone in need.
As a lifelong member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Ruth served valiantly and cheerfully in many capacities. Her favorite was serving the women in the Relief Society and teaching the importance of family and following the Savior. She was known as a devoted visiting teacher and spent thousands of hours ministering to and serving others.
Ruth and Don served an 18-month proselyting and temple mission to Birmingham, England. They also enjoyed serving together in the Twin Falls Temple. Ruth continued to serve in the temple for years after Don passed away. Ruth devoted her life to the Lord and her family. She was a spiritual giant and has left a legacy of faith in Christ.
Ruth is survived by her six children, Kaye (Brady) Benham of St. George, Utah, David (Kim) Melling of Spanish Fork, Utah, Scott (Kristen) Melling of Columbus, Georgia, Kirt (Lezlie) Melling of Lehi, Utah, JaNaé (Steve) Black of Hockwold, England, and John (Marielle) Melling of Roseburg, Oregon; 31 grandchildren; 16 great-grandchildren; siblings, James Olsen, Beth Olson, Barbara Vaterlaus, and John (Suzie) Olsen; and brother-in-law, Ferrol Simpson.
Ruth was preceded in death by her parents; husband, Don Ray [August 3, 2015]; siblings, Lynn (Beth) Olsen, Mary (Wendell) Stander, Kathryn Simpson, and Richard (Diane) Olsen; sister-in-law, Phyllis Olsen; brothers-in-law, Kirt Olson and Dean Vaterlaus; and great-grandson, Lennox Allen.
The funeral will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday, April 16, at the Burley LDS 3rd and 7th Ward Church, 2200 Oakley Ave. in Burley, with Bishop Cade Jones officiating.
A graveside service will be held at 2 p.m. Monday, April 18, at the Cedar City Cemetery in Cedar City, Utah.
Friends may call from 5 until 7 p.m. Friday, April 15, at the Rasmussen-Wilson Funeral Home, 1350 E. 16th St. in Burley, and from 10 until 10:45 a.m. Saturday at the church.
The family wishes to express appreciation to the Zions Way hospice workers and Rasmussen-Wilson Funeral Home for their compassionate care. Additionally, they convey heartfelt gratitude to the many neighbors and friends who have shown love and compassion. In lieu of flowers, please anonymously do something kind for a stranger (pay for the car behind you in the drive in), donate to your favorite charity, or give to the next young man or young woman who asks you to help with their fundraiser. When you do, think of our Mother and her life of selfless service, kindness, and love.
A live webcast of the Funeral Service will be available and maintained at the following link:
There family as we remember them when Mugs was born.
From there we drove to Wendell to see our headstone that was just installed in March.
I am so thankful for our granddaughter, Aimee, designing it for us.
I am so happy to have it in place to honor my eternal sweetheart--my husband, Walter Ray Petersen.
![]() |
Here's the back.
are ten things we loved in this life--
in addition to our family and friends--
that depicted our life:
Clockwise from upper right side...
1. Small airplane – Walt was a super pilot.
2. Typewriter – graduate of business college. I graduated from Henager's Business College before working a year as an
4. My homemade apple pie (Our kids all said it was better than any other apple pie.)
5. Salt Lake Temple, married there June 14, 1961
Then going up from bottom left side: 6. Palm tree (We served 9 1/2 years together on missions in countries that had palm trees.)
7. Camera - I may have taken a few photos in my life.
8. Snow skis – Walt loved both snow and water skiing.
9. Basketball – Walt played till he was 70, his favorite sport
10. Scriptures – “Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me." --John 5: 39

ʻUmialīloa - nick name will be Umi. “ Oume a leelow a “
He-mele-lo-kahi “ hay maylay low kaw he” song of unity
Umi is an ancestral name. Second born and illegitimate son of High Chief Līloa. Chief over the island of Hawaii. As second born, ʻUmi was second in line to the throne. But unlike the high chiefs first born, ʻUmi was kind and just. Following the death of Līloa and the oppressive and unjust rule of the first born, ‘Umi led a rebellion against his half brother. After overthrowing his brother, ‘Umi united the island of Hawaii and ruled justly until his death.
Back home the Easter Bunny
The Messiah of the Old Testament
Jesus Christ of the New Testament
17, 2022
· During Easter, we celebrate the life and death of the Savior: What has He done for you?
Under the Father’s direction, he created the earth
Jesus was resurrected, and by doing so, we will all be
resurrected also. What blessings does this give you in this life?
Through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, we may be forgiven
of all our sins and return to our Father in Heaven
Jesus Christ taught us the Gospel: the creation, the purpose of
life, agency and opposition, covenants and commandments, plan of happiness,
Because Jesus “suffered pains and afflictions and temptations of
every kind” he can take upon himself our pains and afflictions
The Old Testament Prophesies of Christ
The Old Testament is a scriptural work that reveals the Lord as
the Savior and Redeemer; Jehovah is the pre-mortal Jesus Christ
When Jesus Christ commanded, “Search the scriptures; … they are
they which testify of me” (John 5:39), He was referring to the Old Testament;
the Old Testament was his scripture
Forgiveness is a constant theme in the Old Testament, both in
doctrinal and prophetic writings, and in the lives of the people portrayed in
the various stories e.g. Micah 7:18-19
As we have seen so far in our study, the Old Testament is loaded
with symbols and types of Jesus Christ
Jehovah himself gave the Law of Moses to teach of his coming as
a Savior and Redeemer, e.g. Alma 34:14
George Fredrich Handel--The Messiah
Music is a special form of worship
Wrote The Messiah in 24 days
Presented in Dublin as a charity concert, not London to make
money; It was to be simple, a representation of the Lord’s simple birth
This simple masterpiece has endured for 281 years (written in
Mozart thought it too simple; he re-wrote it; his is almost
never performed
All the words are from the Old and New Testaments, most from
Tells of the prophecies, birth, atonement, resurrection, and
that he will reign as king
Prophecies of His Coming
- Isaiah 40:1-3, 4,
5 “Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith your God.
Every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill shall be made
low: and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough places plain:
And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh
shall see it together: for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it”.
- Isaiah 40:9 “O thou that tellest good tidings to
Zion, get thee up into the high mountain. O thou that tellest good tidings
to Jerusalem, lift up thy voice with strength; lift it up, be not afraid;
say unto the cities of Judah, behold your God!”
- Isaiah 60:1 “Arise, shine, for thy light is come, and
the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee”.
I pray you have had a
restful , peaceful, and spiritual
Sabbath Day...
I share these truths as my testimony to you...
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