Today we spoke at the Apopa Stake Conference...
Elder Jared Ocampo, the Area Seventy from San Pedro Sula, Honduras, was presiding. Here are the Priesthood men who spoke this morning--Left to right: President David Glazier, El Salvador San Salvador East Mission; Elder Ocampo; President José Sorto, Apopa Stake; and President Walter Petersen, San Salvador El Salvador Temple.
Sisters who spoke during this Sunday session of the Apopa Stake Conference were, Hermana Kriscia de Portillo, Presidenta de la Primaria de Estaca Apopa; Hermana Jacqueline de Silvestre, Presidenta de las Mujeres Jovenes de Estaca Apopa, Hermana Beverly Barton Glazier, wife of the Mission President (pictured below with her husband); and Hermana Eileen Albertson Petersen, wife of the Temple President.
The chapel, cultural hall, and stage were filled to over-flowing, and several classrooms had the proceedings via in-house TV.
A choir of 27 sang "Prayer of Gratitude," for the prelude; "Himno de Alabanza" after the sustaining of Church leadership; and "Con Valor Marchemos" for closing.
When the stake patriarch stopped to talk with Walt, I took their photo together. He was interested that Walt is also a patriarch.
Here are some future missionaries...
They needed to get the wiggles out after sitting quietly for two hours.
We love to see the families together at the stake conferences...
Hno. Hernández, the stake executive secretary, drove us to and from the conference. Henry rode back with us. He leaves for his mission to Honduras San Pedro Sula in February. Henry felt bad he had taken his tie off before the photo was taken.
The Clarks rode over with us, but after the conferece are spending some time with the Glaziers. Hna. Clark y Hna. Glazier are sisters.
(We didn't get a photo with them today....but here is one from a past stake conference.)
save space for photo
When we got back to our temple apartment complex, Hna. Haroldsen invited Hno. Hernández and Henry to stay for dinner.
We enjoy these Sunday dinners together.
Hna. Haroldsen served her Mother's recipe of tuna casserole over mashed potatoes today. The Kerrs brought delicious, fresh rolls from San Martins, and the Caballeros made yummy arroz con leche (rice pudding). Walt and I brought homemade carrot cake.
"Hurry and take the photo," Hna. Haroldsen said, adding "while he still has his arm around me."
Yesterday, Saturday, October 26, we had a day with no shift.
Walt drove a temple missionary to a Dermatologist, after which we spent the day watching a little college football (makes it seem like a Saturday in autumn doing this), then caught up on paper work, and also working on our talks for the next day.
When we dashed over to Walmart for some things for making the carrot cake, we walked by these four cute El Salvadorian boys sitting along the curb eating ice cream cones. Ice cream is a favorite all over the world!
Saturday was the birthday of our 30th grandchild -- William Joseph Petersen turned 5. We love you, William! He is the son of David and Julie. We were happy to get an e-mail from David telling us that William had a very fun birthday.
Friday, October 25, 2013 -
Still working on back to finish.
Update and medical school reflections.
6 years ago
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