Fourth of July patriotic picnic...
...that almost didn't happen.
It was fun that everyone wore blue or red for the occassion.
Hna. Clark, third from right, took the first photo above so I could be in it.
Even though Walt and I wore our matching red, white, and blue shirts on the July 1, Monday P-Day, and the Clarks gave an outstanding lesson on the history of The Declaration of Independence at FHE that night, it still didn't seem like the Fourth of July until we got up on July 4.
Hna. Clark made a red, white, and blue star for each couple.
And she served blueberry muffins with cute red and white flags. She had started the morning in her patriotic outfit.
Thursday morning, July 4, since it was our day with no shift, and a USA holiday, Walt--out of the blue--took me to McDonald's for breakfast.
As we were getting up I mentioned that it would be fun to have a picnic for our Sr. Couple Temple Missionaries before they had to leave for their afternoon shift at 1:00.
So while we were getting ready to leave for breakfast (at 8:00a.m.) I hurried and put eggs and potatoes on to cook. The eggs were done before we left, but we just let the potatoes sit in the hot water till we returned to finish cooking them.
After the fluffy pancakes and delicious sausage (only sausage in El Salvador is at M-D's) we dashed to buy hot dog buns, chips and Fresa Soda (strawberry).
We had hot dogs in the freezer, pork 'n beans in the pantry, and a Betty Crocker Devil's Food cake mix, which we covered in white powdered-sugar frosting and made a red "4" out of M&M's.
I was just dumping the frosting on the cake when they arrived at in about 2 1/2 hours we'd made potato salad (inspired from Jen's post on fb the day before) and thrown everything else together to have an instant picnic ready.
As Hna. Haroldsen heard us say we'd decided that morning to have this picnic, she queried: "You mean you made all this, this morning?!"
Walt told me I have some of Grama Jane's and Grama Rie's genes in me. I guess I got them by marrying into the family.
Grama Rie (Maria Smith Prescott 1882-1970) could have unexpected company come--extended family or friends--kill, pluck, and cook a chicken or 2 or 3, and have a full meal on the table within an hour or so. And Grama Jane could do the same. Walt's mother and grandmother were extraordinary women - and, no doubt, still are in heaven!
As the Clarks were about to leave to get ready for their shift--they mentioned some symptoms Elder Clark had been having for several days. Walt listened to his heart and calmly said: "I need to take you to a cardiologist now."
President Petersen made a call and they had an appointment for 1:30--which was in one hour. Elder Clark's problem was taken care of, and they kept him overnight in the hospital for further tests and observation. Hna. Clark stayed overnight with him there. They got back to their apartment about 1:00 this afternoon, thankful that their temple president is a physician and knew what needed to be done.
We have had many tender mercies of the Lord while serving in this calling in El Salvador.
Today on our way back to the apartment after our 5:30a.m. to 2:30 p.m. shift at the temple, we greeted these four young women who were in front of the temple taking pictures. We were about 45 seconds into our 3-minute walk from the temple to our apartment, when one of the young women came running up behind us and said they wanted a photo with us.
Everyone loves this temple president!
And I do, too!
And that covers our 4th and 5th of July for this week of adventures in Central America.
Perhaps tomorrow before our 10:30a.m. to 6:30pm shift at the temple I can post why we love America - the Promised Land - the Land of the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Hope we all have a restful night's sleep.
Update and medical school reflections.
6 years ago
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