We've had a busy but exciting weekend here in San Salvador...
Saturday afternoon, January 21 we had 5 Sisters come to do a session in the San Salvador El Salvador Temple who were visiting the area with their husbands on assignment: Sisters Nelson, Clayton, Martino, Amado, and Valladares.
Their husbands are:
Elder Russell M. Nelson, Quorum of the Twelve;
Elder L. Whitney Clayton, Seven Presidents of the Seventy;
Elder James B. Martino, 1C in the Area Presidency -- The Second Quorum of the Seventy;
Elder Carlos H. Amado, 2C in the Area Presidency -- The First Quorum of the Seventy;
Elder Valladares, The Fourth Quorum of the Seventy--Central America Area who lives in Tegucigalpa, Honduras.
It was stressful for me to get their temple clothes ready, but everything worked out--even a temple dress appearing out of the blue on the clothes rack by the roperia that I had not seen during the two weeks we've been steaming wrinkles out of the freshly-laundered dresses. It was exactly what Sister Nelson wanted when she came downstairs with me when none of the dresses we had taken up to the bride's room worked for her. I told her it was like angels had hung it there for her.
"You know miracles do happen in the temples," she said.
Walt traveled in the van with Elder Nelson yesterday for the 2:00-6:00pm Priesthood Leadership Training Meeting. It was held an hour from San Salvador in the city of Santa Ana.
He comes back from these inspiring gatherings full of enthusiasm and we sit for an hour or so as he goes over his notes with me.
This morning we rode to Santa Ana with Elder and Sister Martino and spoke at the Modelo Stake. We love to shake hands before and after but had little time because of the tight schedule to get back to San Salvador.
At 4:00 Sunday, Jan. 22, all of the above Priesthood Leaders and their wives, plus Elder Carlos Rivas, Area Seventy here in El Salvador and his wife, had a private tour of the temple and the temple president's home.
At the Single Adult meeting where he spoke right after that he said he wanted to shout for joy when he was in this beautiful temple, but that can only be done in the Hosana Shout during the temple dedication.
He and his wife greeted us as they left this meeting at 6:30. (We were there by Sister Nelson's invitation.)
They fly back to Salt Lake City tomorrow. They have also visited the countries of Guatemala, Costa Rica, and Panamá.
Elder Nelson is amazing for 87 years old. Sister Nelson mentioned in her talk tonight that they have been married almost 6 years. (April 6, 2006.) His first wife, Dantzel, passed away Feb. 12, 2005. They had 10 children.
Elder Nelson said in his talk yesterday that they have 57 grandchildren and 55 great-grandchildren.
Walt mentioned after they drove away tonight that this may be our last time to have this one-on-one experience with an Apostle and his wife.
Update and medical school reflections.
6 years ago
What an amazing life you two have had - rubbing shoulders with the general authorities of the church. I am so grateful for your example - love you.
Thanks for sharing this. We love reading about all that you are doing! Did you get any pictures with Elder Nelson? (or was there no song and dance and picture taking allowed?)
We didn't get to take a phote on our camera with him, but as we were walking from the temple to our apt there was our ever-on-the-spot Church historian's son to get a group photo in front of the temple (well in front of the back of the temple).
He said he would send us a copy, but hasn't yet.
Love, Mom
What a special experience to have one-on-one time with Elder Nelson and his wife. I am sure that is what others feel like when they get to spend time with you and grandpa! I know I do! Love you!
Wow....Aimee, what a nice compliment. However, as Grampa said
when we had those special times the past two weeks with the Brethren from Salt Lake City and our area presidency..."We were way out of our league!"
Love, Grama 'n Grampa Mission - San Salvador
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