Let's see what happened this week...Walt back from physical therapy on Wednesday, Aug 22. That's our temple apartment complex behind him. Our 2-bedroom, 2-bath grand and elegant apartment is on the second floor, far left. That's our private terrace patio on the far left.
I'm looking for a photo of us together this week....then we're calling it a day.... This is us last Monday, Aug 20, on our P-day. We went to the favorite Chinese Restaurante of Hna. Gladis López. It's called the "Royal."
This shows the big glass Lazy Susan in the middle of the temple and the copious amount of food served for one order.
This shows the Thompsons and the Walls.
Hna. Kitley loved the brocade table cloth and asked our waiter where she could find one like it to buy.
His answer was: "In China."
If you go to Hna. Wall's blog "Joy in the Journey," you will see some more of our adventure at the Chinese Restaurant. Go to our family and friends' blog addresses on the right-hand column and you'll see it. She has a group photo of us all at the family home evening at their apartment Monday evening, Aug. 20.
Have a nice week.
Update and medical school reflections.
6 years ago