Michelle, thanks for e-mailing me about URLs so I've been able to add our grandkids blogs, some extended family, and friends. It's been fun seeing the blogs I didn't know about of Phyllis & Dale's grandkids...loved reading your blogs on this lonesome day alone in our apartment in far-away Argentina while Walt is gone on an emergency flight to take a young missionary home who had just become schizophrenic (?sp) 8 months into his mission. We pray he can be helped and go on to live a normal life.
As I look back at this year, I am thankful for the health and safety of our immediate family, extended family, and friends. I think Beth said..."enjoy every moment on life's gorgeous road."
Love, Mom / Grama Mission / Aunt Eileen / Eileen - Buenos Aires, Argentina
Update and medical school reflections.
6 years ago